[帮助学生发现他们的“写作金矿”]我班的 循环日记 推行了快一个学期了,纵观这一个学期学生的表现,真是且行且探索,且行且收获着。 一开始,我在班里宣读了小组 循环日记 推行办法,学生们的兴趣很高,每个小组的 值日...+阅读
Ohour按语: 这里写的一切,仅是个人对写作的一点浅见,不当之处,希望高手批评指正;同时也希望对考友有所启示。因为时间很紧,文中有些打字错误,请原谅。
下面以《真正的作文水平提高!请你找错儿!05真题作文自己写(网友写真题作文汇总讨论贴)》板块中willingking 在39楼 “TO 37 楼 rurutangdou”的那篇A puter addiction为例来说明,也作为对willingking邀请回答的致谢。
As is shown by the above picture, we can see a hand which is putting on a puter mouse. The mouse is linked to the puter closely by an iron chain. Studying further, we will obtain more meanings. First and foremost, the iron chain stands for the addiction to the puter. Besides, the hand presents people who nearly he a habit/strong interest in using/use puters.
第一句有点罗嗦,而表现力不够。其实为了突出人受电脑的控制,完全可以这样来写 As is shown in the picture, a hand is glued tightly/firmly to the mouse。这一句中的其他不足在于As…picture中,介词应当用in; we…mouse至少可以更简洁:we can see a hand on a puter mouse.
第四句表达欠准确,我的意思是指该句没有能够充分体现电脑对人的控制。另外,该句中的过渡词语first and foremost中的and foremost是没有用的。事实上,第
As is shown in the picture above, a hand is tightly glued to a puter mouse linked to a personal puter by an iron chain. Clearly, the iron chain stands for the control of the puter over the person who indulges himself in the cyberspace. An implication from the picture can be figured out that the personal puter, a high-tech device originally created for sing time and energy so as to benefit humankind, ironically turns out to be a gadget murdering the time and energy of quite some people.
Obviously, it goes without saying that the drawing aims at revealing a mon and serious problem: today, more and more people indulge themselves in playing puters . Due to lack of self-control, people indulge in puter deeply. What's more, this addiction does more harm to humankind than good. For instance, when a student gets lost in games, he should loses his interest in study. Similarly, when an adult indulges in on-line games, he may totally lacks concern about other stuffs. By indulging in games, they may get lost when they are dropping into the fictitious characters and fabricated stories and may not care for the reality.
这一段写得甚至还不如第一段。首先,第一句中more and more people indulge …puters这里的语义已与第一段中的addiction有简单复重之嫌。而第二句则更是如此,直截了当地重复第一句中的indulge。以不才愚见,这两句如果要保留其中一句,那也应当将这一句放到上面一段中去,直接将这作为一个问题(problem)接在对图画的描述之后,或放在对图画的描述之前,作为引入句。
第一句,套用写作模板,机械的历害。…it goes without saying that可以直接删除,aims也可以去掉,mon太过分,不如用wide spread。另外,what’s more这个过渡词无法使得下文与前面两句衔接起来,起不到承上启下的作用。第
四、五句中分别有很不应该犯的语法失误:he should loses; he may…lacks处的两个动词都应当用原形。
这一句是主题陈述。其中主要信息是the personal puter turns out to be a gadget murdering the time and energy of quite some people。而这一句中关键词语是murdering time and energy而已。因此下文只须扩展这两点即可,也就是让读者看,电脑如今是如何糟蹋相当一部人的时间和精力的。
那么文章的第二个自然段就应当围绕第一个方面:murdering time来扩展;第三个自然段围绕murdering energy来扩展。在考研中可以将这两个自然段合而为一,不过要很好地使用过渡词语,以表明这两点之间的关系。
当然第二段的写作,一般不会直接说the personal puter murders the time of those who indulge in it. 这里须要将murder换成consume,因为主题陈述中的murder原本就一个比喻的用法,这里还原本义。但是还原本义之后,却不能体现作者的态度了,解决办法是添加副词来修饰,以表明作者的态度。顺便说一句,形容词、副词不是随便用的。用它们是为了准确表达,增强文章的表现力。这里可很简单地加上worthlessly, 或uselessly,insignificantly……,但不能用meaninglessly。这样第二段的开始句(主题句)便可轻易地写出来了。The personal puter worthlessly consumes the time of those addicted to it./Those addicted to the personal puter always spend worthlessly their time on it.
有了主题句,后面就该围绕这一主题句中consume worthlessly/spend worthlessly进行扩展,这个语词可称作这一段落的支配观点。如何扩展呢?先来分析一下这个短语中到底含有什么,第一,consume/spend,耗费时间;第二,worthless,毫无价值,甚至有害。
As is shown in the picture above, a hand is tightly glued to a puter mouse linked to a personal puter by an iron chain. Clearly, the iron chain stands for the control of the puter over the person who indulges himself in the cyberspace. An implication from the picture can be figured out that the personal puter, a high-tech device originally created for sing time and energy so as to benefit humankind, ironically turns out to be a gadget murdering the time and energy of quite some people.
The personal puter worthlessly consumes the time of those addicted to it. A survey shows the erage time spent on it of those addicted amounts to 16 hours a day. And the minimum continuous time spent on thel puter is 12 hours, while the maximum soars surprisingly to 168 hours—a whole week! Needlessly to say, the puter has eaten up their time for work, for sports and, worse still, their precious time for rest—a natural activity for refreshment to keep the body functioning normally.
The personal puter has also depleted their vigor. In the survey, almost all those puter freaks feel sluggish in their jobs. They he lost their interests in outdoor activities. Some even bee so feeble that they sweat when standing for a short while. It seems that they are being burned out by the high-tech monster.
What should be done to cope with this severe phenomenon? In the first place, we must advertise more on this subject by mass media, in order to keep folks informed of the harm of abusing puters. In the second place, an education campaign must be launched, particularly among the get-use-to-puters young people. In the third place, the government should pass through relevant laws to limit on-line games. All in all, the whole society should try their best to solve this problem.
罗嗦。第一句当删除。第二in the first place,可改为firstly; 后面的至少可改为we must inform them the harms from abusing puters by the mass media; 所以第一句可以改成,To solve the problem, we must inform them the harms of abusing puters。 后面的类似,不再赘言。总的来说,语言过于追求复杂,使得要点淹没于眼花缭乱的词语和句式之中。
As is shown in the picture above, a hand is tightly glued to a puter mouse linked to a personal puter by an iron chain. Clearly, the iron chain stands for the control of the puter over the person who indulges himself in the cyberspace. An implication from the picture can be figured out that the personal puter, a high-tech device originally created for sing time and energy so as to benefit humankind, ironically turns out to be a gadget murdering the time and energy of quite some people.
The personal puter worthlessly consumes the time of those addicted to it. A survey shows the erage time spent on it of those addicted amounts to 16 hours a day. And the minimum continuous time spent on the personal puter is 12 hours, while the maximum soars surprisingly to 168 hour—a whole week! Needlessly to say, the puter has eaten up their time for work, for sports and, worse still, their precious time for rest—an natural activity for refreshment to keep the body functioning normally.
The personal puter has also depleted their vigor. They survey finds almost all those puter freaks feel sluggish in their jobs as a result of staying too long before the puter. They also he lost their enthusiasms for outdoor activities. Some even bee so feeble that they sweat when standing for a short while. It seems that they are being burned out by the high-tech monster.
The sole way for the addicts to restore the proper use of the puter relies on themselves. Only when they he a sound recognition that the puter is but a tool to facilitate their life instead of their master can they develop their self-control. If they can limit their time on using the puter within 6 hours a day, their life will be freed from the trap of the puter and will return to its track.
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