

11月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[日常信函回复友人的问候]Réponse Cher Pierre-Antoine. Merci de prendre part à mes malheurs! Effectivement, cette année, je n’ai pas eu de chance. Se casser la jambe, passé encore;...+阅读


1.Application for Employment(求职信)

一般求职信写四段,1) Source of information 2) Personal information 3) Reason for changes 4) Requests

(1) Opening Sentences

My friend…… has informed me that you are looking for a…… and has suggested that I should apply you for the appointment.

Hing read your ad, I wish to be considered as……for this position.

I would like you consider my application for the position of …… which you advertised in……

In reply to/With reference to your advertisement appearing in……of ……I would like to apply for the position of ……in your pany.

I beg to offer myself for the situation as a ……in your pany.

I see from your advertisement in ……that you are looking for a……

I recently heard from……that there is a vacancy in your ……department.

……has told me that some time in May there will be a vacancy/an opening for……in your office.

(2)Education/work experience

I attended……school for……years.

In 19……I graduated from……

I enrolled for a year's course at……

I studied…… I he trained as a……

I he a degree in ……from the University of……

I attended classes in……

I he had……yours' experience in……

I speak fluent English.

My proficiency in English means that I would be able to handle all the English correspondence on my own.

(3) Reason for the changes

I would like the opportunity to work on my own initiative/with children.

My reason for applying for the post is that I would like to he more responsibility.

My reason for looking for a change is the better opportunities offered by a large pany like yours.

My present employer is closing down his business.

As my family is moving to ……I am looking for employment there.

(4)Closing sentences

Please refer to the enclosed personal data sheet/curriculum vita

for further particulars.

For information about my character/work record please contact……

I hope I may be granted an interview, when I can explain my qualification in more detail.

I am enclosing my personnel record sheet for your kind consideration and references.

The details of my education and experience are given on the enclosed sheet. I hope that the information I he provided in this letter and the enclosures are sufficient for your purpose.

2. A Letter of Enquiry (询价信)

一般询价信写四或五段,1) Source of information 2) Reason for Enquiry 3) Asking for price, list, and catalogue 4) Giving references 5) Further Business

1) Opening Sentences

We were given your name by……

You he been remended to us by……

Your articles he been remended to us by……

……has been kind enough to give us your address.

As we he learned from……,your are manufactures of ……

We saw your ad in the current issue of……

We he heard that you he put a new ……on the market.

We visited your stand at the ……exhibition.

We refer to your special offer of……

We he seen your ad in ……and we are interested in……

Your firm has been remended to us by ……,with whom we he done business for many years.

2)Reasons for Enquiry

We are a subsidiary of……

We are a ……pany based in……

We are interested in……

We need /are in the market for……

We he received many enquiries from our customers for……

Our stocks of ……are running low.

We would like to expand our range of……

We he a considerable demand here for……

3) Asking for Price

I should be grateful if you send me……

Please send your current/latest catalogue/price list/brochure.

We would like you to send us some samples/patterns.

Please send us full details about your products.

Please quote your prices for these articles/goods/products.

Kindly quote us your lowest prices for……

Please quote your best/most petitive/lowest price.

Please quote your price gross//FOB(离岸价).

We would like to know if you are prepared to grant discounts.

We are desirous of hing your lowest price for……

Please let us know the minimum quantity for a trial/order.

We should appreciate further details/information about your……

We shall be glad to receive an offer from you on……

Please send further details/information abut your……

Please include information about packing and shipping.

We should like to know your earliest date of delivery.

What would be your earliest delivery date?

Please let us know on what term you can give us some discount.

Will you let us know what discount you give for large quantities.

4) Giving References

Information about our pany can be got from……

For information about our pany please refer to/contact……

Should you wish to make any enquiries about us, please write to ……

We shall be pleased to provide the usual trade references.

Please let us know your terms of business.

Please let us know if you can supply from stack.

Please offer quantities which can be supplied from stock.

Will you please let us he a list of items imported by you.

In order to make us familiarized with your products, we shall appreciated your giving us the technical details of them.

5) Further Business

If the goods e up to our expectations, we would expect to be place regular order.

If the samples meet with our approval we intend to place substantial orders.

If your prices are petitive and your goods up to standard, we shall order on a regular basis.

If you can let us he a petitive quotation, we trust business will result.

2. A Letter of Quotation (报价信)

一般报价信写三段,1) Response to the enquiry 2) Offering for the enquiry 3) Giving assurance

1) Opening sentences

We thank you for your enquiry of……

Many thanks for your enquiry of……

Thank you for your enquiry of……

We are obliged to you for your inquiry of……

We were pleased to note from your letter of……that you are interested in……

we wele your enquiry of And thank your interest in our products.

2) Offering

We thank you very much for your enquiry about And are pleased to enclose our price list and terms of payment for your consideration.

Referring to your inquiry of ……, We enclose our quotation for the supply of……

In reply to your enquiry of……we he pleasure in offering you the following……

We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your letter of……and send you an illustrated catalogue of our……and also details of our terms and conditions of sale.

This is the lowest price we quoted.

Our prices include postage and packing.

The prices quoted in the attached price list are ex-works.

Due to the rising cost of raw materials we are reluctantly pelled to raise our price by ……%.

The prices are subject to charge at the end of next month.

Prices are likely to rise soon.

We would like payment by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit.

We offer quantity discounts on orders on……

A ……% discount is offered on payment within a few weeks.

Our prices pare forably with those of our petitors.

Our prices are quoted for quantities of not less than……

The goods can be delivered immediately from stock.

Shipment can be effected within ……weeks of receipt of goods.

Our delivery date is approximately…… after receipt of your order.

We cannot promise delivery within the period stated in your enquiry.

We he a large stock of On hand and could dispatch same at once upon receipt of your order.

At your request, we now keep this offer open for a further ten days from ……

This offer must be withdrawn if not accepted within five days.

3)Closing Sentences

We feel that our wide selection of……will appeal to your customer.

We would like to thank you for you interest in our products.

We hope that the enclosed samples will meet with your approval.

We know that you he made an excellent choice in selecting this model.

We can assure you that your order will be dealt with promptly.

You feel sure that we can make you a very forable offer.

We are sure that our varied range and petitive prices will encourage you to place an order with us.

We hope that our forable prices will induce you to place an order.

We look forward to your instructions by return.

We are sure that these goods will meet with your requirements, and we look forward to your early order.

We shall be pleased to receive your order, which will he our prompt and careful attention.

We trust you will rind our quotation satisfactory and look forward to receiving your order.

We are allowing special terms to customers who place orders before the end of this month.

We trust the above offer will be of interest to you and await your orders.

You will observe that the price quoted are very reasonable and as they are likely to rise very soon we would advise you to place your orders as soon as possible.


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