

12月26日 编辑 39baobao.com


纪录编号:12035-1403-01 纪录性质:世界纪录协会世界纪录 纪录来源:世界纪录协会数据库 纪录详细: 世界上最多人同时跳樱花舞——2014中国•无锡太湖国际樱花节万人齐跳樱花舞活动 证书编号:12035-1403-01 颁证日期:2014年3月28日 2014年3月28日,中国•无锡太湖国际樱花节在太湖鼋头渚风景区举行万人齐跳樱花舞活动,共有10000名游客入园参加樱花舞活动,其中5000人集体齐跳樱花舞,创世界纪录协会世界上最多人同时跳樱花舞世界纪录。 The most number of people performed sakura dance at the same time in the world ---- Ten thousands of people performed sakura dance at the same time in China•Wuxi Taihu Interantional Sakura Festival in 2014 On March 28, 2014, in Taihu Yuantouzhu Scenic Spot, China•Wuxi Taihu Interantional Sakura Festival held the activity that ten thousands of people performed sakura dance at the same time. With 10000 tourists who participated in the sakura dance activity in the scenic spot, of which 5000 persons collectively performed sakura dance at the same time, it set the world record granted by the World Record Association for being the most number of people performed sakura dance at the same time in the world.


愚人节整人方法好多人中招☆ 把朋友手机里存的女友号码改成自己的,然后用自己的发短信给朋友:“老公,我怀孕了”。然后室友...... ★ 将同学显示器的对比度调整至最低(以屏幕漆黑为原则),如此一来,室友同...
