

11月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[Requesting Samples索取样品]Requesting Samples索取样品Requesting Samples索取样品Situation情境描述Did calls Betty at H&T to request some samples.大卫致电H&T公司的贝蒂,索取一些样品。Di...+阅读

Thank you for your inquiry of October 1. We are now sending you our catalog together with some samples of the materials you require.

We think the colors and quality of the materials we use, and the designs and workmanship of our products will be totally satisfactory to you. Our representative in your area is Mr. Floyd Schrock, whom we he instructed to send you samples of made products as soon as possible. He is authorized to discuss the conditions and terms of transactions with you.





商品样品试样种类请您作一次有关妇女用一般(中档;好;细致;一流; 上等)质量的针织品供货报价。Bitte machen Sie ein Preisangebot zur Lieferung von Damen Strickwaren einfacher (od. mittlerer...

收到样品及其目录和价目表的表述三、收到样品1.贵公司5月20日寄来的样品和价目表均已收到。Your esteemed four of the 20th May, with samples and price-list, is duly to hand.2.贵公司寄来的价格表、...

商务中询求样品及其寄送样品的表述一、询求样品1.本公司相信, 4月18日寄出的纪念品必已收到。本公司极为乐意知悉,此批货物是否合于贵公司的意愿,请来函告知。We trust that the samples of souvenirs sent on...

样品有关的表述一、请寄样品1.本公司相信, 4月18日寄出的纪念品必已收到。本公司极为乐意知悉,此批货物是否合于贵公司的意愿,请来函告知。We trust that the samples of souvenirs sent...

如何索要产品样品We learned from your advertisement in Globe Boston that you are an exporter of glass art works and we are taking the liberty to ask you to send us some samples...

索要产品样品We learned from your advertisement in Globe Boston that you are an exporter of glass art works and we are taking the liberty to ask you to send us some samples...

索要样品函电We learned from your advertisement in Globe Boston that you are an exporter of glass art works and we are taking the liberty to ask you to send us some samples...

样品的表述一、询求样品 1.本公司相信, 4月18日寄出的纪念品必已收到。本公司极为乐意知悉,此批货物是否合于贵公司的意愿,请来函告知。 We trust that the samples of souvenirs sent on...

商品、样品、试样、种类请您作一次有关妇女用一般(中档;;最细致;一流;最 上等)质量的针织品供货报价。 Bitte machen Sie ein Preisangebot zur Lieferung von Damen Strickwaren einfacher (od. mittler...
