

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求5句简单的求职英语对话和5句简单的离别对话]求职 A: Hello Mr.John, please tell us why should we hire you? B: Hello Mr.Smith, I can state that I have ten years of experiences of working in this business an...+阅读


1、tall, tall, shorter, shortest

2、the most friendly

3、the longest, longer

4、the most important

5、more carefully

6、more, more difficult四、

1、How are your Chinese lessons going?

2、it's difficult to learn Chinese than English

3、Chinese grammar is a little easier.

4、it's faster for people to learn English than Chinese

5、Your English is better than my Chinese....


怎么才能学好英语和别人对话学好英语的八种方法 1.坚持不懈,从不间断。每天至少看 10-15 分钟的英语,早晨和晚上是学英语的最好时间。 (Never give up, keep working on. Speak English at least 10-15 mi...

英语四级听力长对话和段子题该如何做关键词,毕竟这种题不是要求听原话的 一定一定一定要听懂,只要听懂了,用自己的话把意思表达出来也是可以的 关键词..其实还是为大意服务. 空出来的句子其实单词都不会很难 第一...

英语写关于某人租公寓和房东的对话Tenant:hi, i am looking for an apartment. Do you have apartment for rent?Landlord: yes i do. How many people want to live here?Tenant: that's great. we have two...

跪求英语对话!跪求一段有关外贸英语的对话你好,答案仅供参考!A: Hey guys, want to go shopping in Guangzhou? For the latest fashion out there?B: Ye sure, Guangzhou is my favourite place to shop, what about...

初中英语小对话最好不要太难搞笑点的Three little pigs 三只小猪 There lived a mother pig. 那住着一个猪妈妈。 She had three piglets. 她有三只猪宝宝 mother pig:Yuyu!Lulu!Gugu! piglets:Here. 在这. The...

一篇5人英语小对话不要太难小学初中水平万分感谢!J:Hello, are you c? C:Yes, who are u? How come you know my name? J:Oh, I'm J, Your classmate from primary school. Don't you remember me? C:Oh, J!!! You are Jess...

求一个英语对话。关于商场购物对话的Mary:What is the shutter speed on this camera? 这款相机的快门速度怎么样? John:It's very fast. You can give it a try. And it is easy to operate. 挺快的,您可以试一...

英语绕口令对话或者笑话对话A pleasant place to place a plaice is a place where a plaice is pleased to be placed. Don't pamper damp scamp tramps that camp under ramp lamps. Flash message!...

提高初中语文和英语我是一名初中语文教师,希望能够对你有点帮助。 想要提高语文学习,可以说很简单,也可以说很难。首先要看你是处在什么年龄阶段。 曾经有过一位美术特级教师她儿子读高三,所有科目...
