

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com



A: Hello Mr.John, please tell us why should we hire you?

B: Hello Mr.Smith, I can state that I have ten years of experiences of working in this business and I am sure I can acquire this job.

A: Please tell us what are your achievements?

B: I have earn the award of the most hard working employee and the more revenue profited of the year.

A: What are the reasons why you quit your last job?

B: I quit my last job because I wanted to find a more challenging job than the one i had.

A: Where would you see yourself in the next five years?

B: I see myself besides other employees working on a business project together.

A: Welcome aboard to our business Mr.John

B: I am glad to be working with you Mr.Smith


John:My family and i are going to migrate to Canada.

Jacky:When will you leave?

John:Next week

George:So soon?

Jacky:We must keep in touch,dont forget to e-mail us.

John:Yes,i will and i am going to miss you two.

George:Same here,and take good care of yourself,pal.


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