

01月26日 编辑 39baobao.com

[考研的英语难度怎样??]考研英语一和英语二的区别是什么 学术型研究生考英语一,专业学位研究生考英语二 (一)学术型研究生 学术型硕士研究生入学考试科目设置办法要求与2009年相同。除教育学、历史学...+阅读

Three little pigs 三只小猪 There lived a mother pig. 那住着一个猪妈妈。 She had three piglets. 她有三只猪宝宝 mother pig:Yuyu!Lulu!Gugu! piglets:Here. 在这. They were very cute! 他们非常可爱 The piglets grew up day by day. 猪宝宝们一天天的长大了 It was Sunday. 今天是星期日 mother pig:It's time for you to go. 是你们该离开的时间了 You should build your own house. 你们应该盖自己的房子 piglets: Hurray!That must be fun! 太好了,那一定很有趣 mother pig:But you must take care. 但是你们必须小心点 Make a strong house. 盖一个结实的房子 So the wolf can't come in. 大灰狼才进不来 piglets:Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? 哼,谁怕那只又大又坏的老狼? gugu:I will make a strong house. 我要盖一个结实的房子 It was Monday. 这天是星期一 It's a sunny day! 今天是个晴天 yuyu:I'll build my house with straw. 我要用稻草盖我的房子 It's easy. 太简单了 I'm finished. 我完成了 It was Tuesday.星期二 Yuyu went to Lulu's house.yuyu去了lulu的房子 Are you finished? 你完成了吗 lulu:Not yet.没有 I will build my house with sticks. 我要用砖盖我的房子 yuyu:You are so silly! 你真是太傻了 I built my house with straw.我用稻草盖的房子 Now I'm going to play.Goodbye. 现在我要去玩了 拜拜 lulu:My house will be stronger.我的房子一定会很结实的 It was Wednesday.星期三 yuyu:Are you finished? 你完成了吗 lulu:I'm finished. 我完成了 yuyu:Let's go to see Gugu's house.我们去看看gugu的房子吧 lulu:All right. 好的 They went to Gugu's house.他们去了gugu的房子 yuyu&lulu:Are you finished? 你完成了么 gugu:Not yet. 没有 I'll built my house with bricks.我要用石头盖我的房子 yuyu&lulu:You are so silly.你太傻了 yuyu:Ibuilt my house with straw. 我是用稻草盖的房子 lulu:I built my house with sticks.我是用砖盖的房子 yuyu&lulu:Now we are going to play.Bye.现在我们要去玩了 拜 gugu:My house will be the strongest.我的房子一定是最结实的 He worked hard.他认真的工作着 It was Thursday. 星期四 gugu:Hurray!I'm finished.太好了 我完成了 My house is very strong. 我的房子非常结实 It was Friday.星期五 Awolf came prowling around. 一只老狼来到了周围 wolf:Little pig little pig let me in,letme in.小猪小猪 让我进来让我进来 yuyu:I won't let you in. 我才不让你进来 wolf:I will blow your house.我要吹倒你的房子 The wolf began to huff and puff.老狼开始吹 yuyu:Ouch!Help ,Lulu help me.啊 救命 lulu救救我 lulu:Hurry!Come in.快点进来 Shut the door.关上门 wolf:Little pigs,little pigs let me in let me in.小猪小猪 让我进来 让我进来 yuyu&lulu:We won't let you in.我们不让你进来 wolf:I will blow you r house.我要吹倒你的房子 yuyu&lulu:Hurray! 太好了 wolf:I will push it down.我要推倒你的房子 yuyu&lulu:Ouch!Help ,gugu help us.啊 救命 gugu救救我们 gugu:Hurry.Come in . 快进来 Shut the door. 关上门 wolf:Little pigs little pigs let me in let me in.小猪们小猪们 让我进来让我进来 piglets:We won't let you in . 我们不让你进来 wolf:I will push it down. 我要推倒你的房子 piglets:Hurray! 太好了 Wait and see. 你们等着 wolf:I will come back tomorrow. 我明天会回来的 It was Saturday.星期六 wolf:I will come down the chimney.我要从烟囱下去 gugu:Get a big pot.拿个大锅来 Fill it with boiling water. 添满沸腾的水 The wolf sild down the chimney.老狼从烟囱滑下来 He fell right into the pot. 他正好掉进大锅里面 wolf:Ouch,it's too hot.啊 太热了 piglets:Hurray!You big bad wolf.Get out. 太棒了 你这个又大又坏的老狼 滚出去 The wolf ran away never came back. 老狼跑掉了就再也没回来 Three little pigs lived happily.三只小猪快乐的生活着


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