

01月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[常用的机械工具的英语单词]常用机械工具英语名 收集了一些常用的机械工具的英语单词,鄙人英文很差,前些日子接到苏州一家公司面试通知,告知将由法国佬面试,心里就怕怕了。哎,学好e文真的和经济挂钩啊,呵呵。...+阅读

你好,答案仅供参考!A: Hey guys, want to go shopping in Guangzhou? For the latest fashion out there?B: Ye sure, Guangzhou is my favourite place to shop, what about you C?C: Ye let's go.A: Wow, there's been such a big change here since the last time I visited Guangzhou!B: Yeah, what do you want to buy?C: I'm looking for handbags and shoes, what about you A?A: Well, I know a very popular shoe shop around here, lets go!A: So, what size and style shoes do you want C?C: Hmm, size 38 and I prefer a gentle looking style.A: How about these high-heels?C: I don't really like the brand, do they have Apepazza? Hello shop manager?Shop manager: Oh here I am, and yes we do have Apepazza, follow me.C: Holy! 3,000 Yuan! I'd rather choose something else.A: Well, here's an alternative.C: Hmm, similiar appearance, but 10 times cheaper, great that's it!C: Let me put it on...hang on, whats going wrong..A: You may need more than size 38..C: Shush! I've tried to lose some weight...B: Ah it's no fun seeing you arguing, let's get you some size 40s on.C: Are you kidding? I'm not that fat! Oh wait these fit me perfectly.A: Great, let me go check out some handbags.C: I'm coming!B: Me too!A: Fine guys...B: Oh look it's LV!A: Sorry, I don't have millions of Yuans to buy a handbag..I'm just going to choose a random brandC: Here's a good one, stylish pink handbag marked for 300 YuanA: Looks good to me, ok that's mine now!一个人可以同时充当人物B和Shop Manager(老板),因为相对来说B的台词较少。



机械暖通专业英语词汇急求对应的翻译如下,希望能帮到你。Technical DataDirect drive motorWindStaticImpeller diameterImpeller speedBlade angleEquipped with a motor modelEquipped with electri...

学习用英语怎么说学习 (1)study 英 ['stʌdɪ] 美 ['stʌdi] n. 学习,研究;课题;书房;学问 vt. 学习;考虑;攻读;细察 vi. 研究;用功 [ 复数 studies 过去式 studied 过去分词 studied 现在分词 study...

如何学习英语学好英语的八种方法 1.坚持不懈,从不间断。每天至少看 10-15 分钟的英语,早晨和晚上是学英语的最好时间。 (Never give up, keep working on. Speak English at least 10-15 mi...

怎么学习英语你现在在国外,这已经为学习英语创造了一个很好的条件。 你必须多和外国人交流,你的朋友英语很好,你可以和他们多交流,在平常对话中努力的去用到英语,虽然那样开始很难,但是时间长...

怎样学习英语1.坚持不懈,从不间断。每天至少看 10-15 分钟的英语,早晨和晚上是学英语的最好时间。 (Never give up, keep working on. Speak English at least 10-15 minutes every day. Th...


关于外贸的英语情景对话可以模拟实战对话啊!在对话中可以像朋友一样先谈论天气,然后谈论货物规格、交货方式、付款条件……最后表达自己的谢意及愿意与对方继续合作的意愿啊!In this conversation, Ro...

求外贸会话对话(1) A: We can offer you this in different levels of quality. A:这产品我们有三种不同等级的品质。 B: Is there much of a difference in price ? B:价钱也有很大的分别吧...

外经贸英语对话假设A先生是顾客,B先生是老板A:I'm very satisfied with the quality,but I'm afraid the style is not to my taste.Do you mind to lower the price down,If I make the de...
