

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[怎么用英语翻译]On this piece of valid evidence bronze. A few months later the police received reports of a girl, said she found a few guys would be a strange style of metal co...+阅读

编制单位 填表日期 organization unit;Date of filling 流动资产 流动负债 liquid assets;circulating liabilities 短期投资 短期借款 Short-term investment;short-term loan 应收票据 应收帐款净额 receivables;net account receivables 减:坏帐准备 minus;bad debt provision 应收补贴款 subsidies receivable 待摊费用 deferred expense 待处理流动资产净损失 net liquid asset losses in suspense 一年内到期的长期债券投资 Long-term bond investment matured within a year 固定资产原价/清理/合计 original cost of fixed assets/fixed assets liquidation/fixed assets evaluation 减:累计折旧 minus;cumulative depreciation 无形资产及递延资产合计 evaluation of intangible assets and deferred assets 其它长期资产 other long-term assets 递延税项 deferred tax 递延税款借项 deferred taxes debits 资产总计 Total Assets 应付工资 wages and salaries payable 应付福利费 welfare expense payable 预收帐款 receivable in advance 预提费用 accrued expenses 一年内到期的长期负债 Long-term loans matured within one year 其他流动负债 other fluid loans 其中:住房周转金 housing revolving fund 所有者权益 ownership interest 资本公积 capital surplus 盈余公积 earning surpls 公益金 public welfare fund 未分配利润 undistributed profit 负债及所有者权益合计 evaluation of loan and ownership interest 已贴现的商业承兑汇票 discounted Commercial Acceptance Bill 已包括在固定资产原价内的融资租入固定资产原价 original price of fixed assets financed by leasing included in original price of fixed assets; 复核 review 俄滴神啊,终于搞定了!!


怎么说翻译成英语怎么说[zěn me shuō] What (did he/etc.) say? 双语例句 1 管你怎么说,他都不会相信你。 No matter what you may say, he will not believe you. 2 你父亲要看见你,他会怎...


从文化视角对文学翻译赏析的教材知道的推荐几本文学翻译佳作对比赏析 作 者: 崔永禄 主编 出 版 社: 南开大学出版社 出版时间: 2001-6-1 字 数: 472000 版 次: 1 页 数: 520 印刷时间: 2006-9-1 开 本: 印 次: 纸 张: 胶版纸 I S B...

求推荐一本高中文言文翻译的辅导书—————————————————————————————— 朋友你好,我是自学文言文的人,曾于亚马逊网上买了三本书籍,为: 一、《古代汉语语法》 康瑞琮著,向熹先生给此书...

少儿舞蹈基本功术语有哪些1、[主力腿] 是舞蹈训练中的专用术语。又称“支撑腿”。顾名思义是指做舞蹈动作是支撑身体中心的那条腿。 2、[动力腿] 也是舞蹈训练中的专用术语。又称“动作腿”。是在舞...

谁能告诉我翻译英语长难句的技巧单词量大容易帮你理解,但并不能确保里翻译出整个长句的意思。还是像最快回答那位朋友说的,先主干,后枝叶。 The American economic system is organized around a basically pr...

求外贸函电还盘函翻译counter offer thank you for your e-mail of May 21.we learn that you are interested in our school tools ,but you cann't accept our higher price of Api.30. our qu...

翻译歌词别逐字翻译像歌词点we just (it) laugh about it 原意:我们只是对 此 笑笑罢了 隐意:我们对此并不在意 You've been all around the world then search for life 你在世界的每一个角落探寻着人生...

求AIR晴空青空的日文歌词中文翻译唱法罗马发音『AIR 插曲』 「青空(蓝天)」 作词:KEY 作曲:KEY 编曲:折户伸治 演唱:Lia あの海 (那片海洋) どこまでも (无边无际) 青かった (深远湛蓝) 远くまで (直到远方) あの道 (那条道路) どこまで...
