

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[电信优秀员工发言稿]优秀电信员工演讲稿一尊敬的各位领导、各位评委、各位来宾:大家好!我叫宗强,来自抚州分公司网操中心,我演讲的题目是:超越平凡,做最好的自己。 如果你是一滴水,你是否滋润了一寸...+阅读


isonchronous media access controller


integrated digital work


International Electrotechnical mission


Impairments is the (e.g., transmission channel and signal impairments) degradation caused by practical limitations of channels, (e.g., signal level loss or attenuation, echo, various types of signal distortion, etc.) or interference induced from outside the channel (such as power-line hum or interference from hey electrical machinery). The measurement of transmission impairments is an important aspect of predicting whether or not telemunications systems will sustain the business applications they are intended to support. Signal-to-noise ratio, percent distortion, frequency response, and echo are measurements that define impairments most noticeable by users in analog voice systems.

Inbound Signaling

Inbound signaling uses not only the same channel path as the voice traffic, but the same frequency range (band) used for the voice traffic.

Independent Telephone pany (ITC)

ITC is a local exchange carrier that is not one of the 22 divested Bell-operating panies. ITCs are not generally subject to the restrictions of the MFJ, although some of the larger ones are bound by separate consent decrees. Southern New England Telephone and Cincinnati Bell are generally considered ITCs from a regulatory point of view.

Integrated Services Digital work (ISDN)

ISDN consists of a set of standards being developed by the CCITT and various U.S. standards setting anizations. The CCITT formal remendations, adopted in October, 1984, first defined ISDN as ". . . a work, in general evolving from a telephony integrated digital work, that provides end-to-end digital connectivity to support a wide range of services, including voice and non-voice, to which users will he access by a limited set of standard multipurpose user- work interfaces." The concept of user access to an existing integrated digital work (IDN) underlies the ISDN.

Inter-LATA Services

Inter-LATA services are revenues, functions, etc., that relate to telemunications originating in one LATA and terminating outside that LATA. An interexchange carrier (IXC) is a pany which provides telemunications services between LATAs. (the domain of IXCs).

Intermediate Cross Connects

In a premises distribution system, intermediate cross connects are cross-connects located telemunications closets.

International anization for Standardization (ISO)

ISO is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO National Bodies). The work of preparing international standards is normally carried out through ISO technical mittees. Draft proposals for international standards adopted by the technical mittees are circulated to the National Bodies for approval before their acceptance as Draft International Standards by the mittee.


The inter is a large collection of connected works, primarily in the United States, running

the Inter suite of protocols. Sometimes referred to as the DARPA Inter, NSF/DARPA In ter, or the Federal Research work.

Inter suite of protocols

The inter suite of protocols is a collection of puter-munication protocols originally developed under DARPA sponsorship, including the transmission control protocol/inter protocol (TCP/IP).

Interoffice Channel

In LEC tariffs, Interoffice Channel is the channel connecting two serving COs (more accurately serving wire centers). In IXC tariffs, the channel connecting two serving IXC POPs, interoffice transmission facilities used to connect LEC switching systems.


Intra-LATA are services, revenues, functions, etc., that relate to telemunications originating and terminating within a single LATA (the domain of LECs).


interoffice channel


interwork packet exchange


inter protocol


integrated services digital work

Isochronous Signals

Isochronous Signals are periodic signals in which the time interval that separates any two corresponding significant occurrences or level transitions is always equal to some unit interval or a multiple of that unit interval. For example, in digitized voice signals, ideally voice samples occur isochronously at precisely the sampling interval or frame rate. Packet data signals are not isochronous.


International anization for Standardization


independent telephone pany


International Telemunications Union


integrated voice response

ILEC - Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier. The existing local exchange carrier in any given area, as opposed to CLECs.

Independent Telephone pany - A telephone pany not affiliated with any of the original Bell telephone panies. See RBOC.

Integrated Services Digital work (ISDN) - A high performance, digital phone circuit ailable from most regional telephone panies that allows for voice and data to be transmitted on the same line, producing fast, noise-free connections.

Inter - A collection and interconnection of tens of thousands of independent global works.

Inter Relay Chat (IRC) - A popular program that allows users all around the world to municate live, or chat, with other users.

InterLata Carrier - The carrier that provides your telemunications service between your LATA and another LATA. Generally called "Long Distance Carriers."

InterNIC (Inter work Information Center) - The centralized anization run by the National Science Foundation that provides various administrative services for the Inter, including Domain Name registration.

IntraLATA - Telephone services within the boundaries of a local access area. See LATA. Generally known as "Local Telephone panies."

IP Address - A 32 bit address (four bytes separated by periods) that defines the location of a host on the Inter.

IRC - See Inter Relay Chat

ISDN - See Integrated Services Digital work

ISP - Inter Service Provider. A pany that provides connection to the Inter.



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