

01月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[蔬菜的种类以及英文翻译]常见的蔬菜(vegetable): pepper 胡椒 hot pepper; chilli 辣椒 sweet pepper; bell pepper; pimiento; capsicum 甜椒, 柿子椒 tomato 番茄,西红柿 asparagus 芦笋 cucumber 黄...+阅读

歌曲: God is a gril 演唱: Groove Coverage Remembering me,discover and see All over the world, 记得我在世界上寻找而发现 She's known as a girl to those who a free, 她是一个想要得到自由的女孩 The mind shall be key Forgotten as the past 思想将被封锁,忘记过去 Cause history will last 使得过去的故事继续延续…… God is a girl, 上帝是一个女孩 Wherever you are, 无论你在何处 do you believe it can you receive it? 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? God is a girl, 上帝是一个女孩 Whatever you say, 无论你说什么 do you believe it can you receive it? 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? God is a girl, 上帝是一个女孩 However you live, 无论你生活怎么样 do you believe it can you receive it? 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? God is a girl, 上帝是一个女孩 She's only a girl, 她只是一个女孩 do you believe it can you receive it? 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? She wants to shine Forever in time。

她希望永远的闪耀着 She is so driven, she's always mine cleanly and free 她是如此地受到驱策……(但)她永远是我的“纯洁”与“自由” She wants you to be A part of the future, 她希望未来的大部分时间里 A girl like me 成为像我一样的女孩( LIKE 此处为介词 如果是动词要加S) There is a sky illuminating us,someone is out there 天空照亮着我们,人们离开了这里 That we truly trust 也许那是我们真实的期盼 There is a rainbow for you and me 这里的彩虹(美好)属于你我 A beautiful sunrise eternally 美丽的日出是那样的永恒…… God is a girl 上帝是一个女孩 Wherever you are, 无论你在何处 Do you believe it, can you recieve it? 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? God is a girl 上帝是一个女孩 Whatever you say, 无论你说什么 Do you believe it, can you recieve it? 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? God is a girl 上帝是一个女孩 However you live, 无论你过的如何 Do you believe it, can you recieve it? 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗? (信仰) God is a girl 上帝是一个女孩 She's only a girl, 她只是一个女孩 Do you believe it, can you recieve it? 你会相信她吗?你会接受她吗?


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