

01月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[谁知道雅思口语考官的评分标准吗]雅思口语主要有4项评分标准,通俗一点解释是这样的: 1、流利度:句子中常出现不必要的停顿,或者是有“嗯”“啊”的情况,或者是说的超级流畅,会让考官觉得是在背诵(5分);能说出完整的句...+阅读


在加拿大和美国交界处,有五个大湖,这就是闻名世界的五大淡水湖。它们按大小分别为苏必利尔湖、休伦湖、密歇根湖、伊利湖和安大略湖。 五大湖总面积约245660平方公里,是世界上最大的淡水水域。也是最大的淡水湖群,有美洲大陆的地中海之称五大湖流域约为766100平方公里,南北延伸近1110公里,从苏必利尔湖西端至安大略湖东端长约1400公里。湖水大致从西向东流,注入大西洋。除密歇根湖和休伦湖外水平面相等外,各湖水面高度依次下降。而且除密歇根湖外均为美加共有。其中苏必利尔湖是世界上最大的淡水湖。 五大湖是始于约100万年前的冰川活动的最终产物。现在的五大湖位于当年被冰川活动反复扩大的河谷中。地面大量的冰也曾将河谷压低。现在的五大湖是更新世后期该地区陆续形成许多湖泊的最后阶段。


In Canada and the United States, there are five great lakes junction, which is the world's largest. They respectively according to size, lake Michigan, lake superior, lake Huron receives YiLiHu and Ontario. Five great lakes area of about 245660 square kilometers, is the world's largest fresh water. Is the largest freshwater water, America as the Mediterranean basin for about five great lakes 766100 square kilometers, north near 1110 km extension from west lake superior, Ontario about 1,400 to crystal. From the west east lake roughly, into the Atlantic ocean. Besides lake Michigan and lake Huron receives the aspect, the lake level surface appears highly decline in turn. But except for beauty and the lake Michigan. One lake superior is the world's largest freshwater lake. Five great lakes is about 100 million years ago began in the final product. Glacier activities Now the five great lakes located by glaciers in the valley of repeated expansion activities. The ground of ice have low valley. Now the five great lakes is late pleistocene succession formed many lakes region of the final stage.




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