

12月09日 编辑 39baobao.com


4 字篇

134.不用担心! Don’t be afraid. / Don’t worry.

135.长话短说! Make a long story short!

136. 少说废话! Cut the crap! / Bullshit(粗俗些)

137.你懂什么? What do you know? / you don’t know the half of it!


138.我尽力了! I did the best I could.

139. 你疯了吗? Are you crazy? / Are you out of your mind?

140. 半斤八两。 Same difference!

141. 这就怪啦! It doesn’t add up! / It doesn’t make any sense.

E.g. A: I just bought milk yesterday… But we’re out of it today.

It doesn’t add up!

142. 知足常乐。 Easy to please.

注:相反的就是“hard to please”(很难伺候)

143. 教坏小孩。 Bad influence (on the kids).

e.g. A: I don’t want you to hang out with him anymore. He’s such a bad influence on the children.

144. 小气巴拉。 Scrooge!

E.g. A: What a scrooge! He didn’t even buy presents for them on Christmas!


145. 不识抬举。 You just don’t appreciate it.

E.g. A: You don’t know when a good thing’s right in front of you. You just don’t appreciate it.

注:appreciate (欣赏)


146. 在说一次! Say again?

注:say again是口头上,YouTheme私下聊天时的用法。正式一点的像是“Pardon me?” “Excuse me?”

或是 “Could you repeat that please?”


147. 你觉得呢? What do you think? / What’s your opinion?(更正式些)

148. 岂有此理! How did it e to this?


149. 脸皮真厚! What nerve!

E.g. A: How dare you talk back to your mother! What nerve!


150. 你急什么? What’s the rush?



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