

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[电信优秀员工发言稿]优秀电信员工演讲稿一尊敬的各位领导、各位评委、各位来宾:大家好!我叫宗强,来自抚州分公司网操中心,我演讲的题目是:超越平凡,做最好的自己。 如果你是一滴水,你是否滋润了一寸...+阅读



Portugal Tele (Euronext: PTC, NYSE: PT) is the biggest tele operator in Portugal. It operates mainly in Portugal and Brasil.

Portugal Tele was the only telephone operator in Portugal, being a monopoly, until 1994, when the government gradually retired its control over the corporation and in 2000 Portugal Tele became a publicly owned pany. Since then, it has held a dominant position in the liberalized Portuguese market.

Due to its large market share, Portugal Tele is still considered a de-facto monopoly in fixed telephony in Portugal.


Portugal Tele is the largest corporation in Portugal and has a large pre

sence in Brasil. It owns PT unicaes, the largest fixed phone and ADSL operator in Portugal, Teleunicaes Móveis Nacionais, SA (TMN), the largest mobile phone operator in Portugal and SAPO Saber & Lazer, SA, an Inter subsidiary, Páginas Amarelas, S.A., the publisher of the Portuguese Yellow Pages edition, Lusomundo Cinemas, a film distributor and a large chain of cinemas around Portugal, TV Cabo Portugal, a cable/satellite pany involved in broadband cable works and television programming content, Vivo, the largest mobile phone work in Brasil. Vivo is a joint-venture with Telefónica.


Portugal Tele is a publicly owned pany. Major stockholders include:

Telefónica: 9,64%

Banco Espírito Santo: 8,60%

Brandes Investments Partners: 7,36%

Capital Group: 5,42%

Caixa Geral de Depósitos: 4,98%


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