[电信优秀员工发言稿]优秀电信员工演讲稿一尊敬的各位领导、各位评委、各位来宾:大家好!我叫宗强,来自抚州分公司网操中心,我演讲的题目是:超越平凡,做最好的自己。 如果你是一滴水,你是否滋润了一寸...+阅读
Fade - This is a reduction in the received signal. It is caused by absorption, refraction, or reflection.
Fax - This is a shortening of Facsimile, and it refers to one fax machine sending a digital representation of a hardcopy over the phone lines to be received and printed out by another fax machine.
FCC - see Federal munications mission
F/D - the ratio of antenna's focal length to the antenna's diameter. If there is a greater F/D it means there is a shallower dish.
FDM - see Frequency Division Multiplexing.
Feature - This term refers to any of the tasks that a particular piece of equipment can perform or carry out.
Feed - this (1) describes the physical feed system of the antenna, and (2) describes the actual signal transmission of the data or information from the distributors.
Feedback - This occurs when part of the output signal returns to the input side of the electronic device.
Federal munications mission (FCC) - This is the government agency that regulates all interstate munications that originate within the United States. The FCC has no intrastate authority.
Field - This refers to the particular location of a piece of data within a record (which is within a file of a database).
File - This term refers to any intended collection of data with similar characteristics. A file could be anything from a document to a ponent of a puter program.
Filter - This is a device which allows a particular spectrum (range of frequencies) to pass through it but prohibits (attenuates) all others from passing.
Firewall - This is a system of both software and hardware, and it has purpose of limiting the vulnerability of a puter or set of puters from outside attack (i.e., hacking).
Flash - This is a function on a telephone or other phone device that rapidly hangs-up and reconnects the telephone line.
Flag - In programming, this is a variable that is used to relay when a particular condition of the program has been met.
Flow Control - This is a method of controlling the transfer of information (messages, characters, etc.) between a work's data points.
Focal Length - Distance from the exact center of the dish to the center of the feed.
Focal Point - The physical point in space toward which the satellite reflector dish directs the received signal so it can be processed.
Format - This is (1) the general makeup and anization of a file, or (2) the arrangement of bits of characters within a group.
Forum - This is a section of a website or online service, wherein you can municate with other forum members about a mon subject.
Forward - This is the act of redirecting a particular email, an entire email address, or a telephone number.
Forward Error Correction (FEC) - The purpose of this element is to add unique codes to the digital signal at the output source so problems can be detected at the signal receiver.
Freeware - This is software that is free to use and distribute. Some freeware, though, requires that you don't make any changes or alterations to the code.
Frequency - The number of times that a we or we-like process goes through its plete cycle per second of time. Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz), which is one cycle per second.
Frequency Band - This is a particular band of frequencies in the electromagic spectrum, expressed in Hertz, in which satellite signals are transmitted.
Frequency Coordination - A process that is implemented to attenuate frequency interference between different satellite works.
Frequency Division Multiplexing - This is an older method of dividing the bandwidth ailable for transmission into distinct narrow bands for individual transmission channels.
Frequency Modulation (FM) - The signal carries the desired information by varying the frequency of the carrier we.
Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) - This is another modulation technique (see Frequency Modulation) used to transmit data. It shifts the frequency above and below the carrier frequency (representing 1 and 0, respectively).
Frequency Spectrum - This is a range of frequencies (and is similar to bandwidth).
FSK - see Frequency Shift Keying.
Full Duplex - This is the same as Duplex and is simultaneous transmission of data in two opposite directions.
FAQ - An acronym for Frequently Asked Questions. FAQs are online documents that list and answer the most mon questions on a particular subject.
Federal Excise Tax - A 3% tax mandated by the federal government imposed on all telemunications services including local, long distance and wireless bills.
Federal Subscriber Line Charge - This is a charge paid by consumers implemented by the Federal munications mission (FCC). It is intended to recover some of the costs associated with a customer'
s local telephone line to access the interstate long distance work. It helps keep interstate long distance rates low. You pay this charge whether or not you actually make long distance calls.
FCC - Federal munications mission. A United States government board made up of five presidential appointees that has the authority to regulate interstate telemunications, as well as international munications that originate or terminate in the U.S.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) - A mon method for sending and/or receiving files between Inter sites using a login system. Publicly accessed FTP sites are often called anonymous FTPs.
Firewall - A bination of hardware and software used to separate a LAN into two separate parts for security reasons.
Frequency - A certain "size" of radio we: The rate at which the electric and magic fields of a radio we vibrate per second.
FTTP (Fiber to the Premises) - A fiber-optic work that connects directly from the carrier work to the user premises. Another fiber-optic work is FTTC (Fiber to the Curb) that connects from the carrier work to the curb, and from there to the premises by copper wire or coaxial cable.
Facilities Based Private Switched work Services
Facilities Based Private Switched work Services is a private work for which LECs and IXCs dedicate physical switching and transmission facilities for the exclusive use of a particular customer.
Fast Packet
Fast Packet is a term referring to a number of broadband switching and working paradigms. Implicit is the assumption of an operating environment that includes reliable, digital, broadband, nearly error free transmission system.
FCC Federal munications mission
The FCC is a board of missioners empowered by the U.S. Congress to regulate all interstate and international munications, as well as use of the radio frequency media.
fiber-distributed data interface
facility data link
frequency division multiplexing
front-end processor
Federal Information Processing Standard
Foreign Exchange (FX)
FX is a service that provides a circuit(s) between a user station, a PBX, or a Centrex switch, and a central office other than the one that normally serves the caller.
In time division multiplexing systems, Frame is a sequence of time slots each containing a sample from one of the channels carried by the system. The frame is repeated at regular intervals, (normally the sampling rate used in analog-to-digital conversion processes for signals being multiplexed) and each channel usually occupies the same sequence position in successive frames.
Frame Relay
Frame relay is a work interface protocol defined in CCITT Remendation 1.122 "Framework for additional packet mode bearer services," as a packet mode service. In effect it bines the statistical multiplexing and port sharing of X.25 packet switching with the high speed and low delay of time division multiplexing and circuit switching. Unlike X.25, frame relay implements no layer 3 protocols and only the so-called core layer 2 functions. It is a high-speed switching technology that achieves ten times the packet throughput of existing X.25 works by eliminating two-thirds of the X.25 protocol plexity The basic units of information transferred are variable length frames, using only two bytes for header information. Delay for frame relay is lower than for X.25, but it is variable and larger than that experienced in circuit switched works. This means that currently frame relay is not suitable for voice and video applications where excessive and variable delays are unacceptable.
Frequency is acoustic wes and electrical signals might be made up of only a single tone, like a single note on a piano. In this case the signal weform is made up of repeating identical "cycles" and is said to be of a single frequency, equal to the number of cycles that occur in one second of time. In munications, frequency was traditionally expressed in cycles per second, but is now expressed in hertz (Hz), still equal to one cycle per second. Thus, one thousand cycles per second is equal to one thousand hertz, or a kilohertz (kHz).
Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)
FDM divides the frequency bandwidth (spectrum) of a broadband transmission circuit into many subbands, each capable of supporting a single, full time munications channel on a non- interfering basis with other multiplexed channels. FDM multiplexing is generally suitable for use with analog carrier transmission systems.
fully separated subsidiary
file transfer access & management
Full Duplex
Full duplex is a transmission path capable of transmitting signals in both directions simultaneously.
foreign exchange
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