[电信优秀员工发言稿]优秀电信员工演讲稿一尊敬的各位领导、各位评委、各位来宾:大家好!我叫宗强,来自抚州分公司网操中心,我演讲的题目是:超越平凡,做最好的自己。 如果你是一滴水,你是否滋润了一寸...+阅读
阅读提示:冰岛电信(冰岛语:Síminn),也叫作Landssíminn,是冰岛前国有公司。在2005年的7月28日,公司以6千6百7十亿的价格卖给了Skipti公司。冰岛电信在电视业投资巨大,拥有电视频道Skjár 1,Síminn同样通过ADSL和宽带进行广播。
Iceland Tele, (Icelandic: Síminn), also known as Landssíminn, is the previously state-owned tele pany in Iceland. On July 28, 2005, the pany was sold to Skipti for ISK 66,7 billion (ca. 1 billion).
Síminn has invested heily in the television industry in Iceland and owns Skjár 1, an Icelandic television channel. Síminn also broadcasts over ADSL and broadband.
In December 2005 the pany announced that the three panies, Síminn, slenska sjónvarpsfélagi (English: The Icelandic Television pany) (which owns Skjár 1) and the parent pany, Skipti, would be merged into one pany, called Síminn.
Landssími slands was founded by the Icelandic government in 1906 when Iceland was, for the first time, in contact with other countries via phone. In the beginning there were many demonstrations against the idea of the phone but Hannes Hafstein, Iceland's first prime minister was able to push the subject through.
It took 54 years to put phone lines in the Icelandic country side.
In 1935, Landssími slands merged with the Icelan
dic postal service and a new pany, Póstur og Sími, was created. In 1998 the pany was split up, the postal service, slandspóstur, and the phone service, Landssími slands. Today Landssími slands uses the name Síminn in Iceland because it is more market friendly.
Síminn has always been the biggest player on the Icelandic phone and Inter market. This is because Síminn was, until recently, the only phone pany in Iceland. This did change when the first petitor, TAL, started providing mobile services on reduced prices. Others followed, the biggest one being slandssími. On the Inter market the petition was a lot tougher, with big names like slandssími, Halló!, Margmilun and the list goes on. In 2003 TAL, slandssími and Halló! merged under the name OgVodafone. OgVodafone has since then bought a few Icelandic Inter Service Providers, including the oldest private one, Margmilun.
Since TAL was founded, prices he been bee a lot lower, specially when it es to mobile phones as well as Inter connections. Recently a new ISP was founded in Iceland called HIVE (ISP), providing free download from abroad sparking a new price war on the Icelandic Inter market.
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