

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[XML专业技术词汇表]Aapplication (应用)attribute (属性)API(Application Programming Interface 应用编程接口)ADO( ActiveX Data Objects ActiveX数据对象 )ANSI (American National Standard...+阅读

XML is a simplified version of SGML and a cousin of HTML. It was developed by members of the W3C and released as a remendation by the W3C in February 1998.

SGML, the parent of XML, is an international standard that has been in use as a markup language primarily for technical documentation and government applications since the early 1980s. It was developed to standardize the production process for large document sets. Think: Medical records. pany databases. Aircraft parts catalogs. Other really huge documents.

Marking-up documents in SGML allows information to be passed from one system to the next without losing information. With databases marked-up in SGML you can see what Widget A is all about and go check to see if Widget A is in stock.

Early on, people thought that SGML would be useful for the Web. In fact, HTML is really an very basic application of SGML! But HTML quickly became used for visual layout, so a group of people re

turned to the basics, determined to create something that had the strengths of SGML without being so difficult to implement —— and had the ease of use of HTML, but with more structural power. The result was XML.

The design goals of XML, taken from the XML Specification are:

XML shall be straightforwardly usable over the Inter.

XML shall support a wide variety of applications.

XML shall be patible with SGML.

It shall be easy to write programs which process XML documents.

The number of optional features in XML is to be kept to the absolute minimum, ideally zero.

XML documents should be human-legible and reasonably clear.

The XML design should be prepared quickly.

The design of XML shall be formal and concise.

XML documents shall be easy to create.

Terseness in XML markup is of minimal importance.

In other words, XML is easy to create, easy to read, and designed for use over the Inter. What more could a Web designer ask for?


Office12使用XML格式存储文件回击WPS对于Office 12的细节内容,各位一定是非常关注的。今天的Tech·Ed上,微软公司的涂曙光将向我们揭示Office 12的文件格式。Office 12的文件格式和此前的版本有了明显的不同,Offi...

什么是XmlXML is a way of adding intelligence to your documents. It lets you identify each element using meaningful tags and it lets you add information ("metatdata") about...

读取一个格式良好的XML文档,并按层次编号并输出&emspinclude &emspinclude &emspinclude &emspinclude &emspdefine BUFSIZE 30 XML文档结点 struct Node { int num; 结点编号 char name[BUFSIZE]; 结点名 char value[BUF...

DB2V9pureXML在企业中的典型应用我相信,XML 对于多数读者来说已经是一个耳熟能详的术语了。由于XML具有自我描述性(易理解性)、灵活性、平台无关性和标准化等优点,因此,许多 IT 精英和组织都在探索如何将 XML...

微软称Office12将采用基于XML文件格式微软在Office 12方面依旧口风很紧,微软今天(周四)表示其准备在2006年下半年发布的下一版本的Office中将计划采用基于XML的文件格式。微软官方表示,这个新的文件格式将作为Offi...

VC中调用XMLHTTP对象访问远程数据的代码大家一起来学习一下,代码如下: 这里是DLL入口 &emspimport "C:\WINDOWS\system32\msxml.dll" &emspimport "C:\WINDOWS\system32\msxml2.dll" using namespace MSXML2; HRESUL...
