

03月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[请问英语自考听力与口译教材翻译]口译与听力是全国高等教育自学考试英语专业本科段一门重要的实践课程,是基础科段中口语和听力两门课的综合与继续。本课程将在巩固基础科段所掌握的听说技 能的基础上,进一步...+阅读

To sum upin conclusionall in allto concludein shortso we can draw the conclusion that... 例句:To sum up, the loading system had rational dynamic characteristic parameters. 综上所述,加载系统具有合理的动态特性参数。To conclude, France Resistance Movement made the largest part of contribution to the liberation of France in the wartime. 综上所述,法国抵抗运动在战争时期对于法国的解放做出了卓越的贡献。In summary,the two digoxigenin-labeled probes are of high specificity and sensitivity,and could be used to detect the PPV. 综上所述,这两种DIG标记探针特异性强,敏感性高,可用于PPV的检测。All the analysis shows that the sequence of the salt resistance is Rcr>B>2488>4N. 综上所述四个无性系的耐盐性为Rcr>R>2488>4N。To sum up, the earth's crust of the area has a weak activity to show mainly creep-slip active mode since the Late Pleistocene. 综上所述,研究区地壳晚第四纪以来具有微弱活动性,且主要表现为蠕滑活动方式。

Taken together, the results suggest that mPC-1 is a novel gene in coincidence to hPC-1 either 综上所述,mPC 1基因可能是一个与人PC 1基因结构功能类似的新基因In short, financial innovation and economic growth have interaction mechanism which has strong connection. 综上所述,金融创新与经济增长之间存在相互作用机理,有很强的关联性。In a word, the significative approach about how to put the theory of Dynamic Alliance into practice is made; 综上所述:课题对如何将动态联盟组建过程的理论应用于实践,做了有意义的探讨希望对你有帮助。。


综上所述 有很多表达方法 一般译为 总之 总而言之 文言文里译为一言以蔽之

1.all in all

2. to sum up

3.in a word

4. in conclusion


6.in short


1.To sum up, we rely entirely on our own efforts, and our position is invincible; This is the very opposite of Chiang Kai-shek who depends entirely on foreign countries.


2.. Together, these specific powers form an imposing arsenal of regulatory authority.


3.In a word, Mrs. Bate put a good face against fortune, and kept up appearances in the most virtuous manner.


4.In short, I owe him a grudge.



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表达首先其次然后最后综上的高级英语首先: first、firstly、in the first place、in the first instance、first of all、first off、(the) first thing、above all、for one thing、for a start、to start with、...
