

01月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[中考英语常用的介词短语有哪些]across 横穿‘穿过 He drew a line across a sheet of paper. against靠着he stood leaning against the wall ,unable to speak. among在。。。中间She was standing among...+阅读

nimble, flexible, agile

I think you probably know that China have adopt a flexible policy in her foreign trade. 我想您也许知道中国在对外贸易中采取了灵活政策。

It is well established for its flexible operations, powerful functions, multitasking, multithreading and plug and play. 它具有操作灵活简便、功能强大、多任务、多线程、以及即插即用等特性。

Our plans are quite flexible. 我们的计画十分灵活。


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