

01月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我很喜欢英语怎么说]我很喜欢的英文:I like it so much like 读法 英 [laɪk] 美 [laɪk] vt. 喜欢;想;愿意 vi. 喜欢;希望 prep. 像;如同 adj. 同样的;相似的 n. 爱好;同样的人或物 adv. 可能 conj....+阅读

From personal experience, I can say that lack of sleep is definitely a major factor that negatively impacts my memory, both in the short term and in the long term. Other factors like alcohol and smoking also leads to memory deterioration.

Poor memory could be problematic in the workplace or school, but I guess it does have its advantages. If nothing else, at least everyday would be a brand new day. All of yesterday's unpleasantries are forgotten, and you'll be ready to shoulder the world again. Most importantly, every morning when you wake up, it's a brand new women (men) sleeping next to you, that, is indeed priceless.

I'm not sure if you've heard of the sixth-degree, the idea that you can reach anybody in the world in just six phone calls, through friends, of friends, of friends and so on. Of course, it would be much easier reaching people for a birthday party. If I wanted to make sure that everybody is on my guest list, I would plan the guest list ahead of time. A week before my birthday, I'd call a few good friends to ask them to look the list over for me to see if any names are missing. Then maybe check my phone book to see if I skipped anybody. After all that, anybody I miss, I probably don't know well enough to invite anyways.

One word, cell phones. I'm used to adding important phone numbers to my speed dial, so they are, literally, right at my fingertips. Just in case I lose my phone, I do keep a backup copy of my address book in my PDA.



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