

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小学生英语网络口语大赛]其实题目还是挺好找的,主要是根据教材的句型来问,注意比赛时提问人会拿道具,会就选手的穿衣打扮喜好提问等等。按难度由易到难来: (一)1. What's your name?2. How are you ?3. Ar...+阅读

Thanks for the contestants' excellent performance,thanks for the judges'suitable and marvellous comments,thanks for the audience's patient and attentive listening ,I hope all the contestants will get a good score,and everyone here could really enjoy today's wonderful performance .And ,I do hope that all the students here not only learn something from the speeches,but also,they learn to be brave and confident,so next time,more and more students will stand on the stage to give us terrific speeches. At last thank you for giving me this chance to make a short speech,thank you all!



英语口语竞赛when tradition meet social realityTradition is good .modern is good .there is one saying .today's fashion may become tomorrow's classic .or tradition . wheather traditional one or modern one .th...

快中考了初三英语怎么辅导有效果经过初一初二的学习,英语已经有了相当不错的基础,现在最重要的就是进行最后的冲刺了,同时还有就是心态的调整,因为中考考得不只是能力还有心态。 1、保持良好心态 一个健康良好...

急求!小飞侠彼得潘英语读后感!200个单词就好了初中水Peter Pan, is a British writer James Barry to write. The content is Mrs. Lin three children always dream of flying in the sky, and believe in Peter pan story, c...

英语中有哪些被动语态表主动的词组?可以归纳和分析一下吗注释里带“使”字的及物动词有很多都能产生这种看上去被动,翻译过来感觉不到哪里被动的现象,如 I am satisfied (我被“使满意” = 我满意) I am excited(我被“使兴奋”= 我兴奋...

英语朗读比赛材料At the age of sixty-seven, Shirley Yeats decided to take a trip round the coast of Malaysia. Everything was fine until one day she saw smoke was coming out of a...

小学生英语朗诵比赛 3分钟之内的朗诵材料急!泰戈尔的飞鸟集 1 夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声. Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.And yell...

四五年级英语朗诵比赛演讲稿Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I'm very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. I hope you will like it , and found...

研究性学习课题:英语朗读在教学中的应用从哪些方面入手一、重视语音,倡导模仿1. 打好语音基础。即教会英语26个字母和48个国际音标,为学生进一步学习英语打好基础。字母教学以5个元音字母为主线,按照字母的顺序逐个教、逐个学,内容包...

储蓄计划英语演讲稿the monthly salary of 1/、每天交易收到的硬币。 2, the daily。 transaction received coins,放到储钱罐里、每个月薪水的三分之一以定期的形式存进银行. 2。 3、每个月买...
