

12月18日 编辑 39baobao.com

[“学为中心”视角下的小学英语对话课教学——课前预习]今天我执教的是PEP新教材六年级下第二单元B部分的对话课。今年任教六年级,说实话对于这套新教材还有诸多的不适应,相信我们的孩子也是如此。首先是对话的篇幅特别长,Read and w...+阅读



英语*有16个时态,最常用的是一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在和过去进行时、现在完成时、过去完成时。但从95年以来的考题统计来看,15个时态考题中将来完成最多,占3题,时态考查的次序依次为将来完成时--- 过去完成时 --- 现在完成进行时 --- 现在完成时 --- 一般将来 --- 一般过去。先看以下各题:

Test Yourself:

1) My train arrives in New York at eight o'clock tonight. The plane

I would like to take from there ___ by then.(1999.1)

A. would lee B. will he left C. has left D. had left

2) She ought to stop work; she has a headache because she ____ too


A. has been reading B. had read C. is reading D. read

3) "May I speak to your manager Mr. Williams at five o'clock


"I'm sorry. Mr. Williams ____ to a conference long before then."

A. will he gone B. had gone C. would he gone D. has gone

4) Great as Newton was, many of his ideas _____today and are being

modified by the work of scientists of our time.(1997.1)

A. are to challenge B. may be challenged

C. he been challenged D. are challenged

5) Before the first non-stop flight made in 1949, it ____ necessary

for all planes to land for refueling. (1996.6)

A. would be B. has been C. had been D. would he been

6) He came back late, ____ which time all the guest had already


A. after B. by C. at D. during

7) Until then, his family ______from him for six months. (1997.1)

A. didn't hear B. hasn't been hearing

C. hasn't heard D. hadn't heard

Explanation and Expansion

A:参考答案:1)B 2)A 3)A 4)C 5)C 6)B 7)D


1) 以上各题都与完成时有关,完成时态用来表示到某一个时间为止已经完成的动作或某个状态/动作一直持续到某个时间。如果时间为过去,则用过去完成时,即表示过去的过去,如5)和7)。

2) 如果表示到将来某个时间为止已经完成的动作,则用将来完成时,如1)和3),再如:

It's reported that by the end of the month the output of cement in the factory ____ about 10%.

A. will he risen B. has risen

C. will be rising D. has been rising

3) 而现在完成时表示到目前为止某个动作已经结束,对现在有影响,如4)。从下文中的"正在修改"可以判断人们已经对牛顿的观点提出挑战,而不是将要提出挑战或者可能提出挑战,由此可以判断应该用现在完成时。

4) 与现在完成时不同,现在完成进行时则表示某个动作从过去持续到现在,并且仍在进行,如2)。头疼的原因是看书时间太长。本题可以用现在完成时,但不会是过去完成时,选项B不对,一般现在时表示经常发生的动作,与这里的头疼不能构成直接的因果关系,由于时间状语表示的是一段时间,有不可能是现在进行时,所以这里只能用现在完成进行时。


① 完成时的时间状语一般表示"到……为止",以"by"短语居多。如果句中的时间状语是由by引出的短语或从句,谓语动词一般是用完成时态,如:

By the time we got there, the fire had already been put out.

We'll he pleted the task by the time you e back.

② 在完成时态中,终止性动词不能与表示一段时间的时间状语连用,而表示状态或动作持续的谓语动词必须与表示一段时间的状语连用。

The conference ____ a full week by the time it ends

A. must he lasted B. will he lasted

C. would last D. has lasted (1997.1)

It seems oil ___ form this pipe for some time. We'll he to take the machine apart to put it right.

A. had leaked B. is leaking C. leaked D. has been leaking (1997.6)



By then, he knew what he waned to be when he grew up.

③ 完成时可以用来表示量的积累。

④ 对于完成时的考查有两种,一种是时态本身的选择,另一种是根据时态选择时间状语,如6)。从句时态为过去完成时,表示等到他回来,客人都已经离开了,与完成时态连用的,表示"到……为止"的应该是介词by。

Pactise Yourself

下面请同学们做《语法分册》第五章 二至四节相关题目。然后对照评析自检。

Test Yourself


1) Turn on the television or open a magazine and you _____ advertisements showing happy, balanced families.

A. are often seeing B. often see C. will often see D. he often seen (1995.6)

2) While people may refer to television for up-to-the-minute news, it is unlikely that television _____ the newspaper pletely.

A. replaced B. he replaced C. replace D. will replace (1995.6)

3) I'm sorry I can't see you immediately; but if you'd like to take a seat, I'll be with you ____.

A. for a moment B. in a moment C. for the moment D. at the moment (1999.1)

4) If she doesn't tell him the truth now, he'll simply keep on asking her until she _____.

A. does b. has done c. will do D. would do (1998.6)

Explanation and Expansion

A. 参考答案: 1)C 2) D 3) B 4) A

B. 评析


① 结合形容词选择时态,如2)。从unlikely一词可以看出从句表示的是将来不大可能发生的事情,自然用一般将来时。类似的形容词还有possible, probable, impossible等。

② 根据时态判断时间状语。如3)。谓语动词为将来时态,说明时间应该是in a moment,表示我一会就去见你。for a moment同样可以与将来时态连用,但表示的是"与某人一块待一小会",这样就与上文的I can't see you immediately意思上冲突。

③ 注意句型对时态的要求,如1)。该句型中祈使句表示一种条件,第二个分句中一般要用will表示在这种条件下可能发生的事情。但是,本题中often的使用可能会造成一定的迷惑。这就要求考生对各种时态的表达方式,以及其作用了解清楚。Will可以表示习惯。

④ 注意时间、条件和让步状语从句中时态的运用。


He promised to send me an email as soon as he got there.

No one is to lee the room until he has done the task.


hardly/scarcely …when…

no sooner… than…

Hardly had I put down the receiver when the telephone rang again.

No sooner had they got to know the news than they went to the bar to enjoy a drink.


请同学们做《语法分册》第五章 第六节进行自我训练。

Test Yourself


1) The last half of the nieenth century ____ the steady improvement in the means of trel.(1998.6)

A. has witnessed B. was witnessed C. witnessed D. is witnessed

2) The grey building is where the workers live, and the white one is where the spare parts ____.(19995.1)

A. are producing B. are produced C. produced D. being produced

3) This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ____ fortably.

A. is worn B. wears C. wearing D. are worn (2000.1)

4) The fifth generation puters, with artificial intelligence, ____ and perfected now.(1996.1)

A. developed B. he developed

C. are being developed D. will he been developed

5) Sir Denis, who is 78, has made it that much of his collection ____ to the nation.(1996.6)

A. has left B. is to lee C. lees D. is to be left

6) As teachers we should concern ourselves with what is said, not what we think ____.(1997.6)

A. ought to be said B. must say

C. he to be said D. need to say

7) Once environment damage ____, it takes many years for the system to recover.(1997.6)

A. has done B. is to do C. does D. is done

Explanation and Expansion

A. 参考答案:1)C 2) B 3) B 4) C 5) D 6) A 7)D

B. 评析

① 是否可用被动语态主要看谓语动词与句子主语之间的关系,如果是动宾关系自然用被动语态。

② 注意被动语态的各种时态构成,但四级考试中没有正误结构的判断,考生只需要根据上下文判断出该用什么时态即可。

③ 不及物动词不可能有被动语态,但及物动词也未必有被动语态,主要是看句子侧重表达的概念,如3题中wear表示眼镜的特点,不可用被动语态。在如:

This kind of software sells well.

It being too cold, the car wouldn't start.

won't wouldn't表示"拒绝"谓语动词不用被动形式。

④ 注意含有情态动词的被动语态的结构,以及类似的结构,如he to be done, used to be done, be said to be done, be to be done。把握各种结构表示的意思。然后就是根据具体的上下文选择适当的情态动词或时态的问题。


好,刚才我们一起了解了被动语态的考查特点和解题注意事项,下面请同学们请做《语法分册》第六章 第四节 自我训练题。




Test yourself


1) If I hadn't stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you ____ now. (1999.1)

A. wouldn't be smiling B. couldn't he smiled

C. won't smile D. didn't smile

2) ____ for my illness I would he lent him a helping hand. (19995.1)

A. Not being B. Had it not been

C. Without being D. Not hing been

3) ______before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should he a wonderful dinner party. (1997.1)

A. Had they arrived B. Would they arrive

C. Were they arriving D. Were they to arrive

4) Jean doesn't want to work right away because she thinks that if she ____ a job she probably wouldn't be able to see her friends very often.(1996.1)

A. has to get B. were to get C. had got D. could he got

5) _____ right now, she would get there on Sunday.(1996.6)

A. Would she lee B. If she lees

C. Were she to lee D. If she had left

6) Had he worked harder, he ____ the exams.(1997.6)

A. must he got through B. would he got through

C. would get through D. could get through

7) If the whole operation _____ beforehand, a great deal of time and money would he been lost. (1999.6)

A. was not planned B. has not been planned

C. had not been planned D. were not planned

Explanation and Expansion

A. 参考答案:1) A 2) B 3) D 4) C 5) C 6) B 7) C

B. 评析

① 对于虚拟条件句中时态的运用,首先应该区分主从句的不同。从句中用过去时,过去完成时,或were to/should +原形动词,而主句中用would/could/might/should + 原形动词或动词的完成形式。

② 虚拟条件句有单一条件句,也有混合虚拟条件句,所以不能只根据从句与某一事实相反来判断主句就与该事实相反,同样,也不能想当然地认为主句与某一事实相反,从句也就与该事实相反。


If he weren't such a kind man, he wouldn't lent a hand to such people as you the other day. (从句与现在事实相反,主句与过去事实相反。)

Were my friends not to e tomorrow, I wouldn't he bought so many foods. (从句与将来事实相反,主句与过去事实相反。)

③ 熟记主从句动词与不同事实相反时的时态运用规则。解题时根据句子所表达的时间概念确定与什么事实相反,然后采用相应的时态。

如果与过去事实相反,从句中用过去完成时,主句中用would/should/could/might + he done的形式,如2)6)和7)。

如果与现在事实相反,从句中用一般过去时,主句中用would/could/might/should + 原形动词,表示与正在进行的事实相反用would/might/could/should + be doing的结构,如1)。

如果表示将来不可能实现的事情,从句中用过去时,或were to / should + 原形动词,以上3) 4) 5)表示的都属于这种情况。

④ if引导条件状语从句时,可以将were/had/should提至句首,省略if。考试时经常是将省略if的与含有if的选项并列,在这种情况下,应注意分清从句的时态,尽管多数情况下都是倒装的结构为正确选项。如2)3)5)。

⑤ If it weren't/hadn't been for …以及其倒装结构were it not for/had it not been for表示"如果不是……的话"

⑥ 正如真实条件从句中不用will一样,虚拟条件从句中也不可使用would,应特别注意。




Test Yourself


1) Some women ____a good salary in a job instead of staying home, but they decided not to work for the sake of the family.

A. must make B. should he made

C. would make D. could he made (2000.1)

2) We didn't know his telephone number, otherwise we ___ him.

A. would he telephoned B. must he telephoned

C. would telephone D. had telephoned (1995.6)

Explanation and Expansion

A.参考答案 1)D 2)A



① But for/Without, 主句

But for/Without your help, we wouldn't he acplished the task on time.

② ……, otherwise/or ……

He hadn't had food for two days, or/otherwise he wouldn't he fainted out at work.

上面2)题就属于该句型,表达的是与过去事实相反的情况,所以用would he telephoned的结构。

③ 分词/不定式,主句

Hing been born ten years earlier, you could he witnessed the disaster.

Given more time, we could he done the work much better.

You would be foolish to make friends with such people.

④ ……,thought/but ……

Einstein cared little for money, though he could he been very rich.

He could he got the job, but he didn't apply for it.





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