

03月27日 编辑 39baobao.com

[雅思口语考试的实战题目]21、述一段让你感到interesting 和 exciting的时光describe a period or age, which you think, is interesting or exciting, when is it?what did you do during that peri...+阅读

Part 1 1. hometown, 家乡这几年的变化;长沙怎么样? Why do you like your hometown? What's special about your hometown? 2. 在中国,谁起名字?你的名字有什么含义? 3. family,家人的一些情况 4. 你喜欢住哪?Do you live in a flat or house? What are on the wall?What view can you see out from the window? 5. Are you at work or studying?学习生活如何?有什么你喜欢的?专业,最喜欢学习的课程;毕业从事什么行业?工作内容是什么? 6. 礼物。你自己做吗?选礼物难吗? 7. 家庭聚会频繁吗?最后的假期怎么度过的? 在家吃饭的人多吗? 8. Do you think cycling is good? 9. Do you like shopping? Part 2 & Part 3 人: 1. Describe someone who is good at cooking. 你们家的cook是谁?他适合做什么菜? Should children learn cooking? Can you cook on your campus? 家庭聚餐重要吗?多吗?在家吃好还是在外面吃好? 小孩若知道食物来源会如何?Should cooking be taught in schools?食物应该贴什么标签?食物的质量在中国的要求高吗?你觉得男人做饭怎么样?家人一起吃饭有何好处?在餐桌上说话健康吗?家庭学校食物有什么关系? 2. Describe your best friend. Friendship.Relationship. 你如何看待国际关系的? 3. Describe a famous person you would like to meet. 你想出名吗?What kind of people become famous? Is this different from the kind of achievement that made people famous in the past?In what way? How do you think people will become famous in the future? What are the good things about being famous? Are there any disadvantages? Should government officials advertise? How do the media in your country treat famous people? 苏州,截止到现在的口语话题,交通堵塞打发时间··保持健康的活动,如何做好讲座,学校生活,中国名声古迹,家乡历史建筑,家庭关系社会责任,电视广播区别,怎样学习,怎样打发时间,儿歌和童话,小时候的活动,密切的家人 天津考场 1.极限运动 2.一次计划好的旅行,据说还有没计划好的 3.party (这个下午超多人考) 4.童年的一件事 5.喜欢的电器 6.工作 7.一件让你快乐的事 天津外院 ROOM603 1 名字 家住哪里 喜欢读书吗 学校开设painting课程吗什么的 2 最近让你高兴的事情 3钱会给你带来快乐吗 为什么 昆明考场8月8日Aster老师现场蹲考,现场指导并实时发布第一手考题资料,敬请期待! 8月8日口语考题回忆: Part 2 Cue Card: 1. a picnic 2. a festival 3. a family member 4. a trip that didn't go as planned 5. a movie 6. an exciting sport 7. an electronic device 8. a party 9. an important conversation


口语预测: 住的地方 交通如何 蔬菜和新鲜水果 major and why painting 食物cooker 在外面吃和在家里吃的advantages and disadvantages 健康饮食和不健康饮食 picnic book 喜欢看什么书,现在正看的书 看电视 每天看多长时间的电视,最爱看什么节目,电视的教育功能 describe a concert hall why is it important to preserve historical buildings design a party for someone Healthy food how government promote it describe a machine or sth electronic you want to buy 家里有哪些现代的电器,你认为好或者不好,有哪些理由。你觉得如果人们不能跟上社会科技的发展,应该怎么办?


我也考过IELTS,口语主要是看临场.如果问到一个你没有准备或不熟悉的问题怎么办? 1. 这个course可以是很多种,不一定非要是英语.可以根据你自己的兴趣爱好来说.我举个例如下: I would like to learn IT specalised game programming. I have been playing Nintendo, PS and other game stations, as well as games on PCs, since I was a child. These games have deeply interested me and I have been fascinating to be a game programmer myself to write a very good game for everyone. However, to actually write a game is not as easy as it may sound because a game consists of many components and elements, and each programme normally is in charge of a small portion of the whole game system. I had tried to write some small games myself with sucess and I would love to learn through proper education and guidance to become a professional programmer to be able to write games. 2. an interesting speech 这个话题也比较广泛,可以从各方面(政治,经济,文化,体育等)入手.我举例如下: One argues that NBA stars are earning too much salary, while teachers, who are the "engineers of soul", have far too little amount paid for their diligent work. I am completely agree with this idea, but the situation happens with a reason. NBA attracts sponsors paying large sum of money for their names on the shirt, or products to be used by NBA stars to prompt image. It has commercial interest and incentives and therefore sponsors can afford handsome salary to NBA stars. For teachers, on the contrary, it is a different story. Schools, colleages and universities are educational institute and do not attract as much commercial interest as NBA for sponsorships. Only funds available to education institute are research funds granted by government or other authorities, whom have technological or environmental interests of the research. It is therefore hard to raise the salary of teachers to a better level.


2008年8月16日雅思口语考试预测试题口语预测 想要取得好分数,有四个窍门,第一:多听,听说,考前准备好20-30个考试的高频率话题目,多听标准发音对大家正音很有帮助。第二,多模仿,尤其是语调,每天坚持跟读模仿VOA SPECIAL,...

雅思口语题目汇总version 01 old persondescribe an old man influenced you1.who was he2.when did you know him3.what he didand explain why he influeced youpart31.老人的经验...


雅思口语8月重点考题年青人(TSE方法) 从7月份的几次考试中,全国范围内都考了很多次“年青人”这个话题,其实这个话题就是老师,家人,邻居,敬佩的人等的变形,部分考生太注重描述人的外表,一到两分钟的陈述...

2008年8月30日雅思口语考试预测试题口语预测: Introduce full name,是否学生,在哪读大学?为何选那所大学之类 学习还是工作?专业?是否喜欢读书? 工作学习的地方 介绍自己住的地方 flat还是house,什么样,从家里能看...



雅思口语考试都考什么雅思口语考试总得分为三部分,分别为: 1. PART 1雅思口语考试第一部分 (4-5minutes 4-5 分钟):雅思口语考官将问你一些非常直接的问题。第一部分是整个口试中最简单的部分。考官就...

