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[六年级下册数学小升初冲刺模拟试题]小学数学第十二册期末试卷 (一) 班级 姓名 得分 一、填空。 1.四十五万六千零九十写作( ),省略 万 后面的尾数是( )万。 2.3.07平方米=( )平方米( )平方分米, 4小时12分=( )小时 3.2.5∶ 的...+阅读



1.A.1ee B.1eaf C.1eft D.lift

2.A.chair B.hair C.there D.their

3.A.books B.bottles C.boats D.box

4.A.summer B.southern C.season D.some

5.A.gone B.long C.song D.wrong

II.这一大题共有5小题,在每一小题内,你将听到1个句子,并看到供你选择的4个句子,每个句子念2遍。请在每小题A、B、C、D 4个答案中找出1个句子,该句子能正确回答或紧接你所听到的句子。

6.A.I did my homework. B.I was washing clothes.

C.I was hungry and tired. D.I am doing some cleaning

7.A.You are wele. B.It doesn't matter.

C.Sorry! I won't do it again. D.You are right.

8.A.I don't know.They're both quite difficult, I think.

B.I prefer math.

C.I agree with you. D.I can't drop math.

9.A.What about you? B. Let me go

C.We shall go fishing. D. What a good idea!

10.A.Not too many. B. Not too much.

C. That's not very clear D.Yes, I did.


11.A.Alice's sister, B. Mary's sister.

C. Mary's mother. D. Alice's mother.

12. A.In a park. B. In a shop. C. In a school. D. In a hospital.

13.A.Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.

14.A.Important. B. Interesting. C. Easy. D. Difficult.

15.A.1:30 B. 1:45 C. 12:45 D. 1:15


16.A.Often. B.Once a week. C.Sometimes. D.Never.

17.A.Thinner and smaller. B.Taller and thinner.

C.Bigger and thicker. D.Smaller and taller.

18.A.Under the tree. B. In the house.

C.By the road. D. Near the house.

19.A.Yes,it is. B. No, it isn't.

C. Nobody knows D. We know.

20.A.Yes,it is. B.NO,it isn't

C. Yes, it isn't D. No, it is.


一. 选择填空(25分)

A. 词汇和语法

( )21. Though I like playing ______ basketball, I don’t like playing _____ piano.

A. the, the B. the , / C. /, the D. /, /

( )22. This motorbike is _____, not ______.

A. his, hers B. her, his C. your, me D. Your, her

( )23. –Can Tom _____ Chinese? -- Yes, but only a little.

A. say B. talk C. speak D. tell

( )24. Neither my friends nor I _____ going to the cinema on Sunday.

A. are B. is C. am D. be

( )25. –Can I help you? --__________.

A. Yes, a bottle of milk, please B. No, you can’t

C. Yes, you can D. OK, thank you

( )26. I was born _____ April 20, 1985 _____ the north ____ China.

A. in, in, of B. on, in, of C. in, on, of D. on, on, in

( )27--______ bag is this? --It’s hers.

A. Who B. When C. whom D. Whose

( )28. There are _____ on the table.

A. a glass of water B. a glass of milk

C. two glasses of water D. a glass of orange

( )29.It’s a fine day, ______ it?

A. isn’t B. wasn’t C. doesn’t D. hasn’t

( )30.The boys _____ green sports shirts are the fans of Guo’an Team.

A. with B. in C. at D. from

( )31. He said he had been to Hong Kong ____ and he would go there _____ once again.

A. long before, before long B. before long, long before

C. long ago, before long D. long before, long before

( )32. –How long has he been working in this factory? -______ 1982.

A. After B. By C. From D. Since

( )33. We felt so _____ because of the ______ news.

A. exciting; excited B. excited; exciting

C. excited; excited D. exciting; exciting

( )34. Is _____ difficult to learn English well?

A. this B. that C. he D. it

( )35. You’d better ______ upstairs and tell the children _____ make so much noise.

A. go; not to B. go; don’t C. to go; not to D. to go; don’t

( )36. ______fine weather! Let’s go on a picnic!

A. What a B. What C. How a D. How

( )37. The number 22,135 reads _______.

A. twenty-two thousands one hundred and thirty-five

B. twenty-two thousand one hundred and thirty-five

C. twenty-two thousands one hundred thirty-five

D. twenty two thousand one hundred and thirty-five

( )38. They often ____ a lot of money _____ new books.

A. pay; with B. take; to C. cost; for D. spend; on

( )39. Could you tell me ______?

A. where does Li Lei work B. where did Li Lei work

C. where Li Lei works D. where is Li Lei work

( )40. The wine is _____ rice.

A. made in B. made of C. made from D. made for

B. 词语释义 选出与句中划线部分意思最相近的解释

( )41. The party didn’t stop when he left.

A. was over B. went on C. finished D. ended

( )42. I hen’t received a letter from my brother for a long time.

A. written a letter B. sent a letter to C. got a letter D. heard form

( )43.The children enjoyed themselves last Sunday.

A. had a busy day B. played a long time

C. he a good day D. had a good time

( )44. He is a doctor and I’m a doctor, too.

A. so do I B. so am I C. so I am D. so I was

( )45. It’s a quarter to eight.

A. eight fifteen B. seven forty-five

C. a quarter past eight D. seven fifteen

三. 词形变换(10分)

46. His parents were born in Germany. They are _________(German).

47. September is the _________(nine) month of the year.

48. Chinese people he built a new Great Green Wall across the ____________(north) part of

the country.

49. If everyone makes a contribution to ___________(protect) the environment, the world

Will bee more and more beautiful.

50. He did __________(good) this term than last term.

51. His children are not old enough to take care of _____________(they).

52. He _____________(teach) in the school since he came in 1989.

53. These eggs were __________(lay) about 95 million years ago.

54. I’m sure it ___________(be) a good day tomorrow.

55. Can you ask her __________(give) us a talk?


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