

11月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[强化口语交际训练之我见]强化口语交际训练之我见 21世纪是一个知识经济社会,一个信息爆炸的时代,交往活动是21世纪人的最基本、最经常的社会实践活动。人与人的交往已越来越密切,而善于交往,有较强的社...+阅读

1、 Describe your best friend. How you knew each other How you became friends How you spend time together Explain why he、she is your best friend

2、 Describe the trip you took some time ago. When you took it How you got there What you saw there Explain why you liked it.

3、 Describe the worst weather in your life What it was When it happened How you felt Explain your experience in details.

4、 Describe your forite book or a story you read . What the book is called What it talks about What you learn from it Explain why this book is your forite.

5、 Describe the recent success of China. what it was what it was about how important it was

6、 Describe your forite sports star. Who this person is What sports does this person play Why you like this person

7、 Describe a child you are familiar with. His or her name How old he、she is What his、her hobby is

8、 Describe the fou

r seasons in China. How many seasons there are What features there are What people do in the four seasons

9、 Describe the most unfettable success in your life. What it is How you made it Why it is important

10、Describe a period of time, when you think was interesting or exciting. When it was What did you do during that period Why it was special

11、Describe a perfect house or flat Where it is What it looks like What the inside is like Why it is ideal for you

12、Describe your forite song. What song it is What it is abou tWhy you like it

13、Describe a piece of equipment what it is how it is used advantages and disadvantages

14、Describe your forite park in China. Where it is What you see What you do in the park

15、Describe your forite TV program What it is about What type it is Why you like it

16、Describe a toy Who ge it to you Why you liked it How you played it


多方位训练,培养口语交际能力多方位训练, 培养口语交际能力 饶平县汫洲镇港西小学教师 麦泽辉 新颁发的《语文课程标准》,把对学生的口语交际能力的培养作为语文教学的一项基本要求。《语文课程标准》明确...


源于生活随机生成----一堂生成的口语交际课源于生活 随机生成 ――――一堂生成的口语交际课 江苏徐州徐矿集团权台矿校 李明 邮编 221153 昨天下午第一节课是我的语文课,因为天气变暖了,下午换了一身单衣服,脱去了棉衣,...


一节口语交际课一节口语交际课 ——“开卷有益”还是“开卷未必有益” 一、活动主题: 通过辩论,提高学生口语交际的能力,使学生明白好读书,更要读好书, 才真正“开卷有益”。 二、活动准备: 每个...

参与口语创新参与 口语 创新 成都航天小学 黄娅琳 《大纲》指出“小学语文教学应立足与促进学生的发展,为他们的终生的学习、生活和工作奠定基础。”素质教育也把人的发展作为语文教学的...



统编教材小学语文二年级下册第三单元口语交际《长大以教材内容分析:《长大以后做什么》是统编教材小学语文二年级下册第三单元口语交际,也是本册第二次口语交际。 教材在口语交际内容选择上,特别注重情境性和交互性。本次口语交际...
