
关于教育的两种体系:comprehensive system和selective system

03月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[论感受到教育的无力而产生的两种错误]昨天在图书馆,遇到了个很无语的事情。四个大约是初中生吧,在三楼成人阅读区里面的四人桌子上 看书 。然后各种叽叽喳喳讲话,打电话。可能是我的耳朵特别灵,耳塞塞好了他们说的内...+阅读

Defending the comprehensive system By Bernard Regan, National Executive member NUT (Inner London) Schools - Building on success is the government's new Green Paper on education. Its title suggests that all is well in the world of education. It is not and this document contains ideas which will make matters worse. Unlike the traditional notion of a Green Paper as a consultative document this is a clear declaration of intent with an eye to the general election. It is an assault on comprehensive secondary education designed to persuade the middle classes that educational privilege is under no threat from a future Labour government. It proposes to increase selection in the secondary sector despite the well documented successes of comprehensive education. The fate of working class children, who found themselves rejected through the old 11-plus examination, demonstrated the iniquity of the selective system. There are as many pupils sitting the 11-plus for selective grammar schools today as there were when this government was elected in May 1997. While there may be no suggestion that there will be a return to the old 11-plus, selection would increase significantly as a result of the proposals contained in this Green Paper. The Green Paper spells out how, in a variety of ways, the intention is to increase by 2006 the amount of selection by turning 1,500 comprehensive schools into specialist schools which will be able to chose their pupils by 'aptitude'. The schools might specialise in 'technology, languages, sports and arts… engineering, science and business and enterprise'. The character of these schools is spelt out in the claim that 'Business and enterprise schools (for example) will be expected to develop strong curriculum-business links and develop teaching strengths in business studies, financial literacy, and enterprise related vocational programmes.' These schools will be able to select a number of their pupils by 'aptitude' — though the idea of an 11-year-old committing themselves to one specialism rather than another is absurd, and what if your local specialist school doesn't offer what you want? There will only be a choice in some areas. On top of this the Green Paper floats the idea of an 'Advanced specialist school which would be open to high-performing schools…(which) would receive an additional capital investment to strengthen their centre of excellence.' David Blunkett is not just proposing the continuation of selection — he is proposing to increase the stratification of the system. This is coupled with other proposals which will lead to an intensely divisive system. The paper praises the 'good record' of church schools and proposes to welcome 'more schools provided by the churches and other major faith groups.' This is a pandering to white middle class parents who have used the church route to avoid schools which they deem to be inferior because of the numbers of black pupils. Church schools use the religious criteria as the basis for choosing the overwhelming majority of their pupils and this inevitably leads to the exclusion of Muslim pupils for example. The bone that is thrown is that other faiths might set up their own schools. What is really needed is a policy that challenges institutional racism within the education system. On top of this the idea is promoted that 'weak or failing schools' might be run by private and voluntary sponsors. There are already vast swathes of education which are being privatised — the Green Paper extends that. There is much to be done in education — just a few facts: * Class sizes in secondary schools are now the worst they have been for 25 years; * 5,000 extra teachers are needed to get secondary school class sizes back to 1997 levels; * Although class sizes for 5-7 years have gone down, the average size for 8-11 years is higher than in 1997; * Since 1997 some 11,000 training places for secondary teachers have been left vacant; * 12,500 additional teachers are needed to reduce class sizes for 5-11 year olds below 25; * Teacher vacancies advertised in the Times doubled over the last twelve months. Teachers are leaving the job because the anti-teacher climate that was created by the Tories has been sustained. There is a need to challenge the Green Paper. On 3 February an important conference was held on Promoting Comprehensive Education in the 21st Century. The conference included members of CASE (Campaign for State Education), the Socialist Education Association, the Socialist Teachers Alliance and a variety of leading academics. The contributions of the main ...


中国教育体系由四部分组成,即基础教育、中等职业技术教育、普通高等教育和成人教育。 [基础教育] 基础教育指学前教育和普通初等、中等教育。初等教育(小学)等为六年制;中等教育分为初级中学和高级中学,通常各为三年。另外有少数把小学和初中合并在一起的九年一贯制学校。 中国政府十分重视普及基础教育,1986年《中华人民共和国义务教育法》颁布以来,全国大部分地区已经普及了初等教育,大城市和部分经济发达地区正在普及初级中等教育。1999年全国有小学58.23万所,在校学生1354.96万人;全国小学学龄儿童入学率达到99.09%,五年巩固率达到92.48%;全国已有91%人口的地区普及了小学教育;小学毕业生升学率达到94.3%。初中阶段义务教育也有一定的发展。 1999年全国共有普通初中6.44万所,招生数2183.44万人;在校生5811.65万人;初中阶段毛入学率达到88.6%,初中毕业生升学率达到50%。

1999年全国共有普通高中1.41万所,招生数396.32万人,在校生1049.71万人。1998年职业中学10074所,招生217.6万人,在校生541.6万人。 1999年全国共有为聋哑、弱智等残疾儿童举办的特殊教育学校达1520所,在校生37.16万人,比上年增加1.32万人。半数以上的适龄残疾儿童均能得到受教育的机会。全国共有幼儿园18.11万所,在园幼儿2326.26万人。 [中等职业技术教育] 中等职业技术教育主要包括普通中等专业学校、技工学校、职业中学教育,以及多种形式的短期职业技术培训。 八十年代以后,中国职业技术教育迅速发展。1997年,全国各类中等职业技术学校已达33,464所,在校生1869.76万人。各类就业培训中心2,100余所,每年培训待业人员约100多万人。高中阶段职业技术学校在校生占高中阶段在校生总数的比例已由1980年的18.9%提高到1999年的56.47%。

1999年普通中专学校达到3962所,在校生515.50万人。普通中专招生科类结构有所变化,财经、体育、艺术类呈增长趋,工科类呈下降趋势。1999年全国职业高中学校达8317所,招生数160.38万人,在校生443.84万人。1999年全国技工学校达到4098所,招生数51.55万人,在校生156.05万人。 [普通高等教育] 普通高等教育指专科、本科、研究生等高等学历层次的教育。高等教育中大学专科学制为2-3年,本科学制通常为4年,医科为5年,此外有少数工科院校实行5年制。硕士研究生学制为2-3年,博士研究生学制为3年。 50年来,全国高等教育事业有了长足的发展。1981年起中国实行学位制度,学位分为学士、硕士和博士三级。经过一系列改革和调整,高等教育增加了活力,规模有了较大的发展,结构趋向合理,人才培养质量和办学效益明显提高,初步形成了适应国民经济和社会发展的多种层次、多种形式、学科门类基本齐全的高等教育体系。

为促进国家经济建设、科技进步和社会发展发挥了重要作用。 1999年全国共有普通高等学校1071所,本专科招生数275.45万人,研究生层次,全国共有研究生23.35万人,攻读博士学位的有5.4万人,攻读硕士学位的17.95万人;研究生共计招生9.22万人,其中博士生1.99万人,硕士生7.23万人。1979年至1997年,普通高等学校累计向社会输送大学本专科毕业生82.91万人,为前30年的2.58倍。1981年至1996年全国高等学校和科研机构共培养博士20,514人,硕士285,943人。1996年大学本专科招生与研究生招生之比为1:16.26;本科生与专科生招生之比为1:0.91。 本专科招生种类结构的变化是:文科、财经、政法、体育、艺术类均有所增长,其中财经类增长最为突出;理工类所占比例呈下降趋势。 在全国普通高等学校中,经上级主管部门批准的研究室或研究所有3,400多个。

已建成或正在建设的国家重点学科点近500个,国家级重点实验室和专业实验室150个,还将筹建一批工程研究中心。基础研究、应用研究和高科技研究取得了重要成果。高等学校自然科学获奖项目占全国颁奖总数的50%;在哲学、社会学研究方面,由高等学校牵头或参加的"八五"国家规划获奖项目占全部项目的近60%。 [成人教育] 成人教育包括各级各类以成人为教学对象的学校教育、扫盲教育和其它形式的教育。 成人高等学历教育发展迅速。1999年成人高等学校达871所,开设函授、夜大学的普通高等学校约800所;本专科共招生115.77万人。1999年毕业88.82万人。 1998年以农民为主要对象的成人学校中,农民中专有421,在校生20.02万人;农民中学4229所,在校生43.92万人;农民技术培训学校454,924所,有8千余万人接受了各种培训,估计占农村劳动力的12.2%。

农村成人教育为农村的发展培养了大量急需的初、中级实用技术人才。迄今受训人员已超过2亿人次。 高、中等专业教育自学考试发展较快。1998年全国高等教育自学考试开考专业224个,截止2000年上半年累计报考人数10404万人次,本专科毕业生290多万人,中专自学考试毕业生40.15万人。 1998年全国举办扫盲学校(班)13.42万个,参加扫盲学习结业人数320.89万人。☆学前教育 指3—5岁的儿童在幼儿园接受的教育过程。全国共有幼儿园111,752所,幼儿教职工90万人,在园儿童203...





信息的高速更新,一方面需要学习者学会认知,另一方面需要社会构建完善、方便的终身教育体系,使人们可以不受时空限制自由的接受教育、进行知识更新。培养的人才具有信息能力。 信息能力是信息社会所需人才的最重要的知识结构和能力素质。信息社会知识多、更新快,学习者必须"有选择地学、不断地学",想从老师那里学点知识以"一劳永逸"已经不可能了。"授之鱼,不如授之以渔",明智的选择应该让学生学会如何学习,学会如何在信息的海洋中寻觅到自己需要的知识,如何利用各种认知手段以不断获得新知,使自己与时代同步。 教育大幅度地提高教学质量和教学效益。 同样由于信息之多、更新之快、人才竞争之激烈,对教育除了有人才素质结构的要求以外,还要求其内容科学、方法优化,使学习者可以优质、高效地接受教育。







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