

02月28日 编辑 39baobao.com

[心理题案例分析求解]我认为李白突然的转变是源自对崔颢诗词造诣的肯定,也源看完崔颢的作品后对自己才华的质疑。 换句话说,就是在遇见一个比自己强的人之前,是不会好好审视自己。因为人都有自恋的...+阅读

方法1:Select * from p a where not exists(select 1 from p where phone=a.phone and calltime>a.calltime)方法2:select a.* from p a join (select max(calltime)calltime,phone from p group by phone) b on a.phone=b.phone and a.ID=b.ID order by calltime方法3:select * from p a where ID=(select max(ID) from p where phone=a.phone) order by calltime方法4:select a.* from p a join p b on a.phone=b.phone and a.calltimea.calltime)=0方法7:select * from p a where calltime=(select top 1 calltime from p where phone=a.phone order by calltime desc)方法8:select * from p a where calltime!


1. create database aaa; 2. create table users(id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, user_name char(10),money char(10),add_time datetime PRIMARY KEY (`id`))ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 3.insert into users values(2,'a1','a11',current_date),(3,'a1','a11',current_date),(4,'a1','a11',current_date),(5,'a1','a11',current_date),(6,'a1','a11',current_date),(7,'a1','a11',current_date),(8,'a1','a11',current_date),(9,'a1','a11',current_date),(10,'a1','a11',current_date),(11,'a1','a11',current_date); 4.参考第二步 5.参考第三步 6.select a.username,a.money,b.email,b.user_phone,b.weigh from users a,user_info b where a.id=b.id and a.id=XXX(你指定的); 7.mysqldump -uroot -p aaa >/tmp/aaa.sql (需要输入密码) 我用的是mysql上的写法



1:select sun(FSAL) from table1 where FNAME is zhangsan;

2: select FNAME , avg(FSAL) from table group by (周薪,月薪,年薪);

3:select FNAME from table1 group by <;月薪 > having avg(月薪) >600 and avg(月薪)<800 or avg(月薪) =600 or avg(月薪)=800;


急求Sql Server数据库SQL语句面试题

What are two methods of retrieving SQL? What cursor type do you use to retrieve multiple recordsets? What is the difference between a “where” clause and a “having” clause? - “Where” is a kind of restiriction statement. You use where clause to restrict all the data from DB.Where clause is using before result retrieving. But Having clause is using after retrieving the data.Having clause is a kind of filtering command. What is the basic form of a SQL statement to read data out of a table? The basic form to read data out of table is 'SELECT * FROM table_name; ' An answer: 'SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE xyz= 'whatever';' cannot be called basic form because of WHERE clause. What structure can you implement for the database to speed up table reads? - Follow the rules of DB tuning we have to: 1] properly use indexes ( different types of indexes) 2] properly locate different DB objects across different tablespaces, files and so on.3] create a special space (tablespace) to locate some of the data with special datatype ( for example CLOB, LOB and …) What are the tradeoffs with having indexes? - 1. Faster selects, slower updates. 2. Extra storage space to store indexes. Updates are slower because in addition to updating the table you have to update the index.

为管理业务培训信息,建立3个表: S(S#,SN,SD,SA)S#,SN,SD,SA分别代表学号,学员姓名,所属单位,学员年龄 C(C#,CN)C#,CN分别代表课程编号,课程名称 SC(S#,C#,G) S#,C#,G分别代表学号,所选的课程编号,学习成绩

(1)使用标准SQL嵌套语句查询选修课程名称为'税收基础'的学员学号和姓名? 答案:select s# ,sn from s where S# in(select S# from c,sc where c.c#=sc.c# and)

(2) 使用标准SQL嵌套语句查询选修课程编号为'C2'的学员姓名和所属单位? 答:select sn,sd from s,sc where s.s#=sc.s# and sc.c#='c2' (3) 使用标准SQL嵌套语句查询不选修课程编号为'C5'的学员姓名和所属单位? 答:select sn,sd from s where s# not in(select s# from sc where c#='c5') (4)查询选修了课程的学员人数 答:select 学员人数=count(distinct s#) from sc (5) 查询选修课程超过5门的学员学号和所属单位? 答:select sn,sd from s where s# in(select s# from sc group by s# having count(distinct c#)>5)


求解两个关于人际关系的面试[参考答案]: 1题:(1)若条件允许时间还来得及的话,我会立即去买一件新的衣服,这样做比较符合礼仪要求; (2)如果时间来不及的话,我会尽可能把衣服上的污渍擦干,或是用小饰物掩盖起来; (3...

一道初中物理力学题!急急急!求解该题方法不唯一 (一)不计绳重和摩擦,所以额外功只有提起动滑轮做的功。 而动滑轮和物体一起移动,所以移动的距离是5米。 总功=F1s=250NX5mX2=2500J 有用功=G1h=400NX5m=2000J W...


请教:一道面试常见题有时为了考察应变能力面试回答一道题完毕时你可以这样回答: 哦,如果那样的话我觉得很抱歉也很遗憾,看来在这短短的时间里我没能更好地展现自己。我想尽量使自己显得老成持重点,但又不希望让您觉得我做作;我想让自己显得充...

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