

02月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[大班英文综合活动 caterpillar butterfly ladybug]Le on Plan Teaching content: Words: caterpillar ladybug Sentences: Caterpillar is to be butterfly. Teaching aim: (1) Help the kids learn the new words and sente...+阅读


你胆子大了,说话的声音也响亮了;每天来园总能主动的和老师、小朋友打招呼;能与小朋友说说话、开开玩笑了。看到你的转变,老师真高兴。你在幼儿园很懂事,能和小朋友们友好相处,也开始学着自己的事情自己做,你会自己吃饭、自己穿衣裤、自己入厕。你喜欢参加各种活动,画画时的你认真又耐心,作品还真漂亮呢!体育活动中,走高跷、跳圈、爬垫子,你也样样不示弱。你更喜欢音乐活动,总能看见你翩翩起舞的身影。但你胆子太小,在老师、小朋友面前很少表达自己的想法;有时你会脱离集体,如收玩具的时候,我们都在座位上静息了了,你还在区角里忙着什么,在新的学期老师希望你有更大的进步!老师告诉你,你很可爱,大家都很喜欢你,以后能多和老师、小朋友们说说话,让老师更多的看到你举起的小手,好吗?Yoyo-- Yoyo is a wonderful girl. She is a warm, well-behaved, and a hard-worker. She seems to really enjoy studying English, and she always practices new language with enthusiasm. She has made a lot of progress learning English this term-- she knows most of the vocabulary taught this term. And socially, she seems to enjoy class once she settles in in the morning. I hope next term we can continue to make progress with her shy nature and encourage her to enjoy coming to school and getting excited about starting things. She always enjoys school and activities once they begin,. I am pleased with the progress she has made thus far. Good work, Yoyo!

爱你的老师们:Caddie Anson Nicole Rebecca


你是个聪明、懂事、细心、爱学习的小姑娘,喜欢画画、写字。这学期你比以前活跃多了,上课时老师经常能看到你举起小手,遇事也能主动和老师交流。平日里你喜欢帮老师、同伴做事,争做小组长,课间能友好地与小朋友一起玩耍。只是午睡时不容易入睡,这会影响你下午的学习活动。希望你在新的一年里有更大的进步,老师祝你开心每一天,进步每一天!相信自己是最棒的!Wendy is an excellent student. She works hard and has been learning English very well. She sets a good example for the other students, and puts a lot of effort into practicing the new things she learns. She always sets herself to tasks diligently. She one of the best at learning new grammar and practicing it in her free time. I appreciate her enthusiasm. Also, she is a good teacher and always helps other students learn the new material as well. I hope next term she continues to improve at the same pace. Good work, Wendy!


情绪和情感的英文翻译1,feeling 侧重于 感觉。是侧重于身体物理方面的感觉,味道,力度,疼痛等。 Feeling is the nominalization of "to feel". The word was first used in the English language to d...

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