

02月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[初中英语阅读理解有哪些解题技巧]1.浏览全文,捕捉信息,通过浏览全文,掌握其大意了解作者的观点和写作意图。 2.分析信息,细读思考题。通读全文后,对文章和各个段落的大意有大概了解之后再做考题,对要捕捉的信息进...+阅读

Nature is where people live on.Quite a lot of men attempted to conquer nature ,and consider it as a tool to serve us rather than only to support us!They've kept on struggling with it. They desired to take all the maladies and disasters produced by nature under control which can be better used.Some successes has been acquired, such as better surviving with the help of tools in the rough surroundings, and benefiting human beings by utilizing natural resources including learning to generate electricity from thunder, producing remedies from illness for fighting against them and saving lives.All above seem to be the behaviors that nature has been conquered by human being in some aspects.However,it is considerably inconceivable to totally conquest it.some days earlier, smashed by hurricane;innumerable lives vanished in tsunami.All those can prove that human beings can't overcome the nature.Their only outlet is to accord and get along with it.



人教版三年级英语自主学习指导课程上册听力I. 1-5 CBCBA II. 1. somewhere 2.practice 3. myself 4. ill5. quietly 6. mind 7. throw III. 1. are going to have 2.loudly 3. myself4. smoking IV. 1. do me a favor...


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初中英语完形填空有哪些解题技巧1. 通读全文,了解大意 要着眼大局,速读全文。用3~4分钟,以略读方式快速浏览全文,从语篇整体上了解文章的主题,文体特征,找出作者的观点,态度,思路,结合段首句、段尾句和含有连贯意义...
