

03月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[均衡饮食的小学英语作文]均衡饮食Health is far more important than wealth. Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our career. On the contrary, poor he...+阅读

I heard that you don't have a healthy lifestyle. I think you should exercise every day. You must eat more vegetables and fruit. I know you like eating juck food, it is bad for your health, you should eat less. For sleeping, you should sleep nine hours every night. I think if you can do these , you will be in good health soon. What do you think of these ?...


The high school entrance examination is coming. You students are busy preparing for it. So it is becoming more and more important for you to keep fit. Here are some suggestions.First of all, you 'd better take some exercise regularly every day It's helpful for you to be in good health and relax yourself at the same time. Remember enough sleep is also required because it can keep you full of energy.Besides these,eating all kinds of food including meat,vegetables,fruits and so on really works,just as the saying goes,"An apple a day keeps the decort away." By the way,when you are out, be sure to keep safe. Safety is the first.I'm sure it will be good for you.这些应该够了吧,我可是中国人、、、这已经很让我伤脑筋啦、...


Nowdays people care about their health more.They pay more attention to the diet than before. In order to keep healthy, we should try to do the following: First, we should keep the correct balanced diet, which means we should eat more vegetables and fruits, and eat little meat. Second, we should eat less those foods with high caloric, such as fast food, and drink less carbonic acid beverage. Third, we should do more exercises. If we follow the guides, I think we will become more health. 如今人们比以前更关心自己的健康,他们注重饮食。为了保持健康,我们应该努力做到以下几点:首先,我们应该保持正确的均衡饮食,这意味着我们应该多吃蔬菜和水果,少吃肉类。第二,我们应该吃高热量较少,如快餐,这些食品,少喝碳酸饮料。第三,我们应该做更多的练习。如果我们遵循的指南,我想我们会变得更加健康。



健康均衡的饮食是怎样的中国居民的膳食指南: 一、食物要多样,谷类为主。 人类的食物是多种多样的,各种食物所含的营养成分不完全相同。除母乳外,任何一种天然食物都不能提供人体所需的全部营养素。平衡...

怎样均衡饮食?下面有几个建议,呵呵 你可以试一下 一是控制高脂类食物 如动物性食物 肉类、用油煎炸的食物或西式快餐等。 二是少吃高强水化合物的食品 在平 时的饮食中,含碳水化合物较高的...

怎样保持均衡的饮食多样化饮食 多样化食物含有均衡的营养物质,每天进食可以保证营养全面。要保持身体健康,必须补充多种营养物质,单一食用某些事物无法提供所需的所有营养 多吃蔬果、谷物 水果、...

如何均衡营养和饮食建议:1.减少高GI食品的摄入 GI(Glycemic Index),就是血糖生成指数,即摄取的食物在体内转化成“糖”的比例。GI指数越高,使血糖转化成脂肪的速度就越快。改变饮食结构,多选用豆类...

怎样饮食均衡呢针对腹泻的处理,除了注意休息和给予必要的药物之外,还要特别注意饮食方面的调理。调理得当可使症状迅速减轻,也可使体力迅速恢复,健康状况好转。 首先、根据机体在腹泻时有水分...


怎样均衡饮食下面有几个建议,呵呵 你可以试一下 一是控制高脂类食物 如动物性食物 肉类、用油煎炸的食物或西式快餐等。 二是少吃高强水化合物的食品 在平 时的饮食中,含碳水化合物较高的...

怎样才能均衡饮食1、控制热量与脂肪。要始终小心食物的热量,在膳食中应减少些肥肉,增加点鱼和家禽。 2、饮食要清淡。要少吃盐,咸的东西吃得越多,就越想吃。少吃那些经加工带有酱汁的食物,这些东...
