

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小儿常见的不良饮食习惯]进食不定时,饱饿无度 如给孩子随便吃零食,尤其是甜的糖果,会使消化道得不到应有的休息,很容易扰乱消化道正常的有规律的消化活动,到进餐时,就没有饿感和胃口,吃不下饭菜。有的孩子...+阅读

There are many bad eating habits that people have followed everyday either intentionally or unintentionally. Bad eating habits are very unheathy for our body and could cause disease.

People fall into a bad daily eating routine that can include skipping breakfast, wolfing down a meal, or addict to soft drinks, chips, candy and coffee all day and even during the night.

The problem is that we get so comfortable in our ways that it's hard to give up those old habits. Here are some tips that can help us to fix the problems:

1. Being aware of the bad habits you want to fix.

2. Figuring out why these habits exist.

3. Figuring out how you'll slowly change your bad eating and exercise habits into healthier new ones.

Everyone should avoid their bad eating habits even though that sometimes it is a very hard thing to do. The following are some steps that are very easy to follow in order to make the change:

1. note down your own bad eating habits;

2. break them down one by one;

3. tell your friend or family to monitor your performance;

4. reward yourself by the end of the month.

Bad eating habits seriously put our health at risk. They can make you fat, sluggish and causing disease. By cutting them down you guaranteed your own health and transform your bad habits into good ones. So don't wait and start immediately to get rid of your bad eating habits today!


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儿童常见的不良饮食习惯蹲食 胃肠道是人体的消化器官,食物通过它帮助消化吸收,如果蹲食吃,腹部受到挤压,胃肠道不能正常蠕动,使食物不能正常吸收。同时心脏也有压迫感,影响正常生活。特别是患有心脏疾病...


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哪些不良饮食习惯危害健康1,不吃早餐:早餐对身体健康至关重要,不吃早餐会对身体健康造成以下影响:1.热能不够,直接影响学习和工作效率。2.导致人体需要的平衡膳食得不到满足。2, 午餐凑合:午餐在三餐的饮食...
