
速度急求英语口语考试4人对话 food

12月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[这就是我的饮食习惯用英语怎么说]这就是我的饮食习惯 英文意思是:This is my eating habit 英文也可以读作:This is my eating habit. eating habit 英 [ˈi:tiŋ ˈhæbit] 美 [ˈitɪŋ ˈhæbɪt] [医]食习...+阅读

A:Do you like Chinese food. B:Yeah,but it's not my favorite.Actually,I prefer American fast food,it's convenient and tasty. A:But don't you think it's too greasy? B:Well,taste comes first for me. A:Chinese food is delicious,too.And it's more sophisticated.There are more options in Chinese Cuisine. C:But still,some Chinese cooking can be quite greasy,too.For example,stir-fried dishes.In fact,I think Japanese food is a more healthy cuisine.Less greasy,less salty. D:Agreed.But some of its dishes include raw meat,and that is a little unacceptable to some people. C:Exactly.I'm afraid it's one of those cultural differences in food. A:I think so,too.There is little raw material in Chinese cooking,the Chinese people seem to enjoy cooked meat and vegetables. B:But in American cooking,some dishes just include raw materials.Salad is a good example. D:Comparatively,American food is not such a good fit in the Western cuisines.It's cooking is more simple.It is said that Americans eat with brains,meaning Americans pay more attention to the nutrition of food rather than taste. C:And it's also said that the Japanese people eat with eyes.I guess it means the Japanese prefer their meals be pretty rather than tasty. A:In that sense,I think the Chinese people eat with brains, eyes and tongues.We hope our food to be nutritious,pretty and delicious. D:Well,if that is the case,the Chinese people must pay attention to their weights,considering they are surrounded by such wonderful food.


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