
幼儿园英语教案:my family

03月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[幼儿园小班工作教案]各位家长: 大家好! 非常欢迎您的孩子进入我园小班生活、学习。首先,我先向大家自我介绍一下:我是小一班的老师,邹老师,幼师专业大专毕业,实际教龄6年,是小班年级组的教研组长。与我...+阅读

English plan of little class

class:the little class

children s number:23 teacher:Jerry

Contents: my family

Teaching objective:

A. know families daddy,mommy,sister,brother and say it correctly.

B. like to speak english.

Teaching preparation:

A. some stickers,some cards of apples.

B.flash cards of mommy daddy brother sister.

C. draw two bags on the blackboard.

D. two toys of hand,a toy of bor bor,tape of book 2.

Teaching Procedure

I. Warming up:

1. greetings: boys and girls,good morning.how do you do?.nice to meet you.what day is it today?

2. rhtym:let s dance greeting .(teach them the rhyme).

II. Revision

review alphabet a

f :boys and girls,now let s say the alphabets together.(say the text of lesson 1)

III. presentation

the alphabets babies are very happy!now,melody show you bor bor s families.(show them the cards of daddy,mommy,brother,sister)now they wake up.let s greet wi

th them. good morning,daddy,good morning,mommy,good moring brother,good morning sister. (or teach them text)

IV. game

1. apple bag:

boys and girls,melody will show you some things.look carefully.they are two apple bags.who say words(or text) well,melody will ask you to put a apple in the bag.are you ready?yes,ready!go!

2. hands:

show them two toys of hands.when teacher say brother (or good morning,brother ),children should pat the card of brother with the toys of hands.

3. bor bor s kiss:

told children that child say the text well will get bor bor s kiss.

4. melody s gift:

give children say the words or text well some stichers.

V. conclusion

boys and girls,wake up early every morning.that you will be healthy.when you wake up in the moring,you should say good morning,daddy,good morning mommy,good morning everybody that I see .

now put up your hands.good bye melody,see you next time.


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