

12月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[精选简短的英语儿歌双语]英语儿歌:北风呼呼吹The north wind doth blow,北风呼呼吹,And we shall he snow,我们将会迎来一场雪,And what will the robin do then, poor thing?知更鸟怎么办,小可怜...+阅读

尊敬的各位领导、各位同学们: 大家下午好!四月是充满生机、春意盎然的四月。在这样一个富有诗意的季节,我们迎来了学校一年一度的**艺术节,春风送爽万象新,瑞气盈临千山翠,在这春满人间,白花争艳的时节,我们在这里欢聚,用我们的歌声、用我们的舞蹈、用我们的……、为**学校的今天喝彩、为**学校辉煌的明天欢呼。 首先我非常荣幸的向大家介绍,光临本次演出的来宾和领导。他们是:…… (这是开场的台词,下面应该是一些节目的串词了,串词就要根据节目的不同名称和风格来写,其实每个人报节目上来的时候应该让他们自己写串词的,主持人做适当修改) Distinguished leadership, all students: Good afternoon! April is full of vitality, Chunyiangran of April. In a season full of poetic, we ushered in the school's annual art festival * *, Vientiane, the new cool spring breeze, Rui Qi Ying Tsui Qianshan Pro, in this Spring in the world, the white Yan season, we have Gather here, with our voices, our dance, our ... ... for the * * applaud today's schools, schools for the * * brilliant tomorrow cheers. I am honored to be the first to tell you, you show the guests and leadership. They are: ... ... (This is the opening line, the following should be some of the programs string of words, it is necessary to string words of different programs based on the name and style to write, in fact, each of the People's News show up when they should be allowed to write their own string of words, the host Make appropriate modifications)


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