

12月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[解析手足口病相关知识]手足口病发病有什么特征? 手足口病发病前一般没有明显症状,多数患儿是突然起病,发热在38度左右,有些患儿可伴有咳嗽、流鼻涕等感冒症状。发热1—2天后开始出现皮疹,通常出...+阅读

Section II Use of English(10 points) 英语知识应用

Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C, D on ANSWER SHEET 1.

The loudest outcry about poverty seemed to e in the wealthiest country by far in the world. According to most calculations, 21 most of the 1945-1970 period the United States had a standard of living well 22 Europe’s and many times above the world 23 . Yet 24 about grinding poverty, hunger, and dreadful need proceed more from the United States than from countries with one-fortieth of their living standard. An annual per capita ine of eight dollars is 25 of much of Africa and Asia and not a little of South America.

It would seem strange to these people 26 they only aware of the fact that American radicals demand a 27 from an American 28 to the far corners of the globe so that the money thus sed can be spent raising the standard of living of 29 Americans. What this last point suggests is not so much that human 30 are never to be satisfied though this is doubtlessly true, and the American suburbanite 31 of his second car and his color TV suffers just as 32 as an African farmer in need of a second cow and a screen door. Rather, it suggests the 33 of contemporary breach of social 34 —the emancipation of the individual self.

People he learned to consider any 35 to personal fulfillment an 36 insult. They he greatly expanded the circle of self-awareness. They no longer accept sharp limitations on individual desires in the 37 of the group. The amount of potential human discontent has always been 38 — misery, failure, misfitting, bitterness, hatred, envy 39 telling. It has usually failed of 40 , and in the past it was accepted passively as being beyond help.


1、 A. until

B. through

C. in

D. onto



2、 A. over

B. above

C. against

D. below



3、 A. erage

B. mon

C. mean

D. ordinary



4、A. storms

B. rage

C. protests

D. fury



5、 A. now that

B. regardless

C. ignorant

D. typical



6、 A. was

B. being

C. were

D. to be



7、A. retreat

B. promise

C. restraint

D. detachment



8、A. confinement

B. mitment

C. plement

D. concealment




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