

12月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[布衣随笔今天如何当老师]看了苏州布衣的今天如何当老师,再看学校淼转贴的关于 谁在搞垮教育 ,于是提笔 牢骚两句:首先:教师是一个职业么?在360行里面么? 最卑鄙的回答:不!你们担负着教书育人的重任!!学生的成...+阅读

Starting a new job can make us feel like we’ve gone back in time to our first day of junior high school. We want people to like us, but we don’t want to seem too eager. We hope we’ve worn the right clothes and dressed up enough, but not too much. The self-confidence we had in the interview that landed us the job is slowly taken over by nerves as our first day approaches, and we worry about making a good first impression.


But new jobs should be exciting, not stressful. We’re taking on a new role, a fresh start, one filled with opportunities and a future—we’re not going to the dentist. Use the following six ways to fit in at your new job.


1. Show your true colors—it got you the job, after all.展现本色——毕竟你因此才获得这份工作

Before any big “first day,” remember what our parents always told us, “Just be yourself!” It sounds cheesy, but it’s true. For example, if you’re more of a calm, mellow kind of person and on your first few days at the office you’re overly friendly, hyper, and super smiley, chances are your act won’t last. When your true colors show a few weeks down the line, people might think you’re a phony. The classic rule of being polite and smiling goes a long way.


2. Let people talk about themselves.让别人谈谈他们自己

In a new job, it’s crucial to remember people’s names and titles, so meeting all your new coworkers on the same day can be overwhelming. Try writing things you want to remember in a notebook. When meeting a new coworker, simply ask, “So tell me about yourself. How did you end up at this pany?” The person’s reaction and answer can tell you a lot about her. Hearing a little bit of her story will help you to remember her name, position, as well as her manner.


3. Observe pany culture.观察企业文化

Learn the pany’s culture through observation—never make assumptions. Your last job might he allowed coffee breaks throughout the day, but your new one might not encourage leing the office irregularly when there’s work to be done. Does everyone lee at five o’clock sharp? Is there a separate area for taking personal calls? As for work attire, always dress a little nicer than expected; it’s better than being underdressed. Take cues from your coworkers and follow their lead. Remember, you’re new—you kinda he to be a sheep (for a little while, anyway).

通过观察来了解公司文化——绝对不要想象。你的上一份工作也许允许人们整天喝咖啡,但是新工作也许不会鼓励人们在有工作时隔一会儿就离开办公室。别人都在五点钟准时下班吗?要在单独一个地方考试*大接私人电话吗? 在着装方面,你穿得一定要比要求高一点点;这比穿着不得体好。从同事们身上去发现暗示,去“跟帮”。记住,你是新人——你多少要去照葫芦画瓢(至少一小段时间内是如此)。 4. Initiate an outing. 邀同事一起出去

During the first few weeks or so, send around an email asking if anyone is interested in familiarizing you with the surrounding coffee shops, decent lunch places, or fun happy hour bars. All of us he a little gem of a spot that we love showing off. However be sure to double check with your supervisor on who should receive your invite; the CEO probably doesn’t he time to share a martini with you. Keep these outings sporadic and remember to balance your work and social life—they’re two different things. Real friendships with coworkers will form naturally, with time—not likely on day one.


5. Make allies, but be professional. 结交伙伴,但要职业化

Avoid gossip at all costs. Even if it seems like friendly banter, remain professional, and steer clear of water cooler gossip. Be above it, ignore it, and move on. You’ll earn a lot of respect by doing so and influence others to do it less. A better way to learn workplace personalities is to ask questions about preferences and processes. A good indicator is to study people’s email etiquette. For example, Mrs. Smith always includes a Good Morning! and Thanks so much for your help!, while Mrs. Simmons never greets people in her emails. Learn by example and study how employees write and municate with one another and between departments. You should do the same.

不管怎样都要避免闲话。即便那只是一个善意的玩笑,也要保持职业化,远离饮水机旁的闲话。要轻视、无视闲话,把它们抛在脑后。这样做能让你赢得别人很多尊重,也会使别人少说闲话。一个更好的了解别人个性的方式是问一问喜好和工作流程。 研究人们电子邮件的用词是一个好办法。例如:Smith太太总会在邮件中写“上午好!”以及“非常感谢你的帮助!”而Simmons太太在她的电子邮件中从不和别人打招呼。观察周围的人,学习员工和部门之间如何发邮件和交流。你也要照着做。

6. Your moment to shine will e. 你的时刻会来到

However much you want to shed the rookie status, realize that your coworkers he been there longer than you he—they deserve your respect and full attention. Resist the impulse of trying to impress everyone with all your new ideas. Stick to the job you were hired for. In time, you’ll earn your coworkers’ trust and they will help guide you through the pany. Se up those ideas and perfect them until it’s your time to shine.


First day nerves are inevitable, but remember, you got the job—the hard part is over. And although there will always be bullies and brown-nosers (just like in junior high), stressful days, and mistakes, remember that you are a professional. Walk into that first day and simply observe, adapt, learn, and succeed. In the end, your first day only lasts eight hours—it will be over before you know it.

第一天上班的紧张不可避免,但要记住,你得到了这份工作——最困难的一步已经走过来了。 虽然欺软怕硬者、拍马匹的人(就像在初中),有压力的日子、犯错误这些永远都存在,但是要记住你是一名职场人士。迈入第一天的工作。只要观察、适应、学习,最后你就会成功。最后一点,第一天只有八小时,不知不觉中你就会渡过了。



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