

11月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[德中电子类常用名词缩写]AC(alternating current) 交流(电)A/D(analog to digital) 模拟/数字转换ADC(analog to digital convertor) 模拟/数字转换器ADM(adaptive delta modulation) 自适应增量调...+阅读

L grader,L分级器

LaB6 cathode,六硼化镧阴极



laboratory reliability test,实验室可靠性试验

laboratory salinometer,实验室盐度计

ladder diagram,梯形图

lag pensation,滞后补偿

lag module,滞后组件

lag work,滞后网络

lag-lead pensation,滞后超前补偿

Lagrangian method,拉格朗日法

Laman spectrophotometer,拉曼分光光度计

laminar low,层流

laminated glass window,层压玻璃观察窗

laminated mag,积层磁铁

landing impact testing machine,落锤式冲击试验机

Laplace transform,拉普拉斯变换

Laplace-Gauss distribution,拉普拉斯-高斯分布

large scale system,大系统

large scale system cyberics,大系统控制论

large volume sampler,大容量采水器


laser alignment instrument,激光导向仪

laser anemometer,激光风速计

laser atomizer,激光原子化器

laser beam ionization,激光电离

laser ceilometer,激光测云仪

laser distance meter,激光测距仪

laser ellipseness measuring instrument,激光椭圆度测量仪

laser fluorescence detector,激光荧光探测仪

laser geodynamic satellite(LAGEDS),激光测地卫星

laser grimeter,激光重力仪

laser inside diameter measuring instrument,激光内径测量仪

laser interferometer,激光干涉仪

laser interferometry,激光干涉测量

laser length measuring instrument,激光式测长仪

laser level,激光水准仪

laser microspectral analyzer,激光显微光谱分析仪

laser orientation instrument,激光指向仪

laser outside diameter measuring instrument,激光外径测量仪

laser plummet,激光垂准仪

laser printer,激光印刷机

laser probe mass spectrometer,激光探针质谱计

laser scatterometer,激光散射计

laser sensor,激光传感器

laser spectrum radiator,激光光谱辐射计

laser tachometer,激光转速仪

laser theodolite,激光经纬仪

latent heat,潜热

lateral logger,侧向测井仪

lateral probe movement,左右扫查

lateral scan,左右扫查

lead capacitance,接线电容

lead pensation,超前补偿

lead inductance,接线电感

lead/lag module,超前/滞后组件

lead module,超前组件

lead work,超前网络

leading edge,前缘

leading peak,前伸峰

leak pressure,泄漏压力

leakage current screen,泄漏电流屏蔽

leakage magic field,漏磁场

leakage magic field inspection,漏磁探伤法

leakage magic flow detector,漏磁探伤仪

leakage resistance,漏电阻

least-squares line,最小二乘直线

least-squares linearity,最小二乘线性度

length,长度 length control device,定长装置

length of a scale division,标度分格间距;分格(度)长度

lengthy bellows,长波纹管

lens micrometer,透镜测微器


level recorder,电平记录仪

level transducer(sensor),物位传感器

leve-braked motor,杠杆式制动电动机

lever-type vibrograph,杠杆式测振仪


library searching,谱库检索


life of X-ray tube,X射线管寿命试验

lift of hydrofoil,水翼升力

lift-drag of towed vehicle,拖曳体升阻比

lift-off effect,提高效应

ligand chromatography,配位体色谱法

light button,光按钮

light digital logging instrument,轻便数字测井仪


limit alarm sensor,极限报警检测器

limit equivalent conductance,极限当量电导

limit frequency,极限频率

limit of detection,检测限

limit of intrinsic error,基本误差限

limit resolution,极限分辨率

limit switch,限位开关

limited breathing enclosure,限制通气外壳

limited current,极限电流

limiting ailability,极限可用度

limiting control,极限控制

limiting effective welength,极限有效波长

limiting operationg condition,极限工作条件

limiting temperature,极限温度

limiting vacuum,极限真空度

limiting value for operation,工作极限值

limiting value for storage,贮存极限值

limiting value for transport,运输极限值

limits of error,误差(极)限

limits of operating error,工作误差根限


line-at-time printer,行式印刷机[打印机];一次一行印刷机

line-by-line scanning,面扫描

line coupler,线路耦合器

line focus,线焦点

line frame,线路帧

line pair,线对

line printer,行式打印机[印刷机];一次一行印刷机

line protocol,线路协议

line scanning,线扫描

line sensitivity,线灵敏度

line strain,线应变

line to line resolution,线分辨力

line turnaround,线路换向

line voltage regulation,电源电压调整率

linear absorption coefticient,线性吸收系数

linear acceleration,线加速度

linear acceleration transducer[sensor],线加速度传感器

linear array,线阵

linear control system,线性控制系统

linear control system theory,线性控制系统理论

linear conversion,线性转换

linear dispersion,线色散

linear displacement,线位移

linear displacement grating,直线位移光栅

linear dual slope type,线性双斜型

linear electric actuator,电子直线加速器

linear location,线定位

linear motion valve,直行程阀

linear optimal control system,线性控制系统

linear prediction,线性预报

linear programming,线性规划

linear ramp type,线性斜坡型

linear range,线性范围

linear scale,线性标度

linear system,线性系统

linear system si


linear thermistor,线性热敏电阻器

linear thermodilatometry,线膨胀法

linear time-invariant control system,线性定常控制系统

linear time-varying control system,线性时变控制系统

linear velocity,线速度

linear vilocity transducer[sensor],线速度传感器

linear visous damping,线性粘性阻尼

linear viscous damping coefficient,线性粘性阻尼系数


linearity error,线性度误差

linearity of amplifier,放大器线性;垂直线性

linearity of time base,时基线性


linearization technique,线性化方法

linearized model,线性化模型

lineman's spectrometer,携带式光谱仪


link resistance,跨线电阻


linkage editor,连接编辑程序


liquid chromatograph,液相色谱仪

liquid chromatograph-mass spectrometer(LC-MS),液相色谱-质谱联用仪

liquid chromatograph-mass spectrometer interface;LC-MS interface, 液相色谱-质谱联用仪接口

liquid chromatography,液相色谱法

liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry(LC-MS),液相色谱-质谱法

liquid column(of liquid-inglass thermometer),(玻璃温度的)液柱

liquid columnm manometer,液柱压力计

liquid crystal thermometer,液晶温度计

liquid densitometer,液体密度计

liquid density transducer[sensor],液体密度传感器

liquid displacement system,液体置换系统

liquid displacement displacement technique,液体置换法

liquid filled case,充液压力表

liquid-in-glass thermoer,玻璃温度计

liquid junction potential,液接电位

liquid-liquid cromatography,液液色谱法

liquid phase loading,液相载荷量

liquid pressure recovery factor,液体压力恢复系数

liquid refraction meter,标尺折光仪

liquid selaed drum gas flowmeter,液封转筒式气体流量计

liquid-solid chromatography,液固色谱法

liquid surface acoustical holgraphy,液面声全息

liquid thermometer,液体温度表

liquid thermostatic bath,液体恒温槽

liquid visual expansion coefficient,液体视膨胀系数


list processing,表处理


lithium chloride humidity-dependent resistor,氯化锂显敏电阻器

live time,活时间


load amplitude,负荷幅

load cell,称重[负载]传感器

load regulation,负载调整率

loading error,负载误差

loading system,加荷系统

local area work(LAN),局域网

local asymptotic stability,局部渐近稳定性

local automation,局部自动化

local controller,局部控制者

local data base,局部数据库

local decision mader,局部决策者

local feedback,局部反馈

local lightning counter,局地闪电计数器

local magization,局部磁化

Local Operating Works;LON Works,LON Works总线;局部操作网络

local optimum,局部

local stability,局部稳定性

location counter,位置计数器

lock-out submersible,可出舱潜水的潜水器

lock signal,锁信号

log magnitude-frequency characteristics,对数幅频特性

log magnitude-phase diagram,对数幅相图

log phase-frequency characteristics,对数相频特性

logarithmic amplifier,对数放大器

logarithmic decrement,对数衰减

logarithmic gain,对数增益


logging recorder,测井记录仪

logging tool,下井仪器

logic control,逻辑控制

logical address,逻辑地址

logical control,逻辑控制

logical model,逻辑模型

logical ring,逻辑环

long distance water level recorder,遥测水位计

long period seismograph,长周期地震仪

long-radius nozzle,长径喷嘴

long term running test,长期运转试验

longitudinal magization,纵向磁化

longitudinal magizing ampere turn,纵向磁化安匝数

longitudinal resolution,纵向分辨力 l

ongitudinal we,纵波

longitudinal we probe,纵波探头

longitudinal we technique,纵波法


look-at-me line,请求注意线;L线

look-at-me request,LAM要求]

look-at-me signal,请求注意信号;L信号

loop galanometer,回线式振动子

loopback checking,回送检验

loudenss contours,等响曲线


loudness level,响度极

low altitude sonde,低空探空仪

low cost autonation,低成本自动化

low e.m.f.potentiometer,低电位电位差时

low electron energy diffractometer(LEED),低能电子衍射仪

low frequency fatigue testing machine,低频疲劳试验机

low limiting control,下限控制

low noise valve,低噪声阀

low-recovery valve,低压力恢复阀

low speed balancing,低速平衡

low-speed mago synchronous motor,永磁式低速同步电动机

low temperature humidity chamber,低温恒温恒湿箱

low temperature strain gauge,低温应变计

low temperature test,低温试验

low-temperature test chamber,低温试验箱

low temperature testing machine,低温试验机

low temperature thermistor,低温热敏电阻器

low-temperature treatment,低温处理

low tension loop,低压回路

low voltage terminal,低压端

low water,低潮

lower actual measuring range value,实际测量范围下限值


luminance transducer[sensor],亮度传感器

luminous flux,光通量

luminous intensity,发光强度



德语热力学词汇表1. Hauptsatzfirst principle of thermodynamics 热力学第一定律Abhaengigkeit dependence 关联,相关性Ableitung (mathem.Operation) derivative 推导Absorption absorpt...

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小语种德语电子类专业词汇电源:Stromquelle 电路:Stromkreis 电流:elektrischer Strom 电压:spannung 导线:Leitung 电荷:elektrische Ladung 二极管:Diode 三极管:Triode 电容:Kapazitanz 电感:Induktanz 电阻...

小语种德语学科词汇表Abfallentsung垃圾清除学 Afrikanistik非洲语言文学 Agrarbiologie农业生物学 Agraroekologie农业生态学 Agraroekonomie农业经济学 Agrarwissenschaften农业科学 Aegyptolo...

电子类常用名词缩写AC(alternating current) 交流(电) A/D(analog to digital) 模拟/数字转换 ADC(analog to digital convertor) 模拟/数字转换器 ADM(adaptive delta modulation) 自适应增量调...

德语词汇电子类专业电源:Stromquelle 电路:Stromkreis 电流:elektrischer Strom 电压:spannung 导线:Leitung 电荷:elektrische Ladung 二极管:Diode 三极管:Triode 电容:Kapazitanz 电感:Induktanz 电阻...

·金融英语词汇表UNIT ONE division of labor 劳动分工 modity money 商品货币 legal tender 法定货币 fiat money 法定通货 a medium of exchange 交换媒介 legal sanction 法律制裁 face v...

推荐法语常用简写词汇表a.b.s. aux bons soins (c/o) A.C.F. Automobile-Club de France adj. adjectif adv. adverbe AFNOR Association franaise de normalisation all. ou allem. allemand amé...

中学英语的一些词汇表达形式1. 状语 1) 时间,原因和条件状语可以用非谓语动词的形式,也可以用状语从句的形式,一般的说,非谓语动词形式比状语从句形式正式。 Being (As he was) a farmer, he had to get up...
