[Why the Sea is Salt]Why the Sea is SaltOnce upon a time...Long, long ago, there were two brothers, the one rich and the other poor. When Christmas Eve came, the poor one had not...+阅读
Seabiscuit (2003) A wonderful story of the underdog who rises above adversity to become a champion. A very good wholesome movie for the entire family. Good period settings and costumes and interesting plot of a broken down horse who brought three broken down people together who all ended up happy. A simple, believable concept. Good scenery throughout also. I have read a lot of negative comments about this movie by those who called it boring and tiresome but that simply isn't true. Does a movie have to have profanity and lots of CGI imagery in it to be considered good ? I don't think so. Acting was very good but I thought the most believable scene was when Red's parents gave up their son because they couldn't afford to keep him anymore. That scene was very sad and based on fact where parents were placed in the terrible position to give up their children like that during the depression. What struck me funny is that Red Pollard never reunited with his family after he became one of the most famous jockeys in the country but I guess thats the way it was back in those days. Wonderful cast and exciting horse racing scenes that brought the viewer into the race and projected the energy and danger involved. It is interesting to note that horse racing was a bigger sport in its heyday than football or baseball. Bill Macy was also memorable as the funny and witty radio announcer A good movie for the entire family.
油爆虾 油爆虾是一道汉族名菜,属于上海菜或浙江菜,是江南传统下酒佳品。通常选用中小型虾,用旺火菜籽油锅炸虾,烧好后虾外脆内嫩。虾壳红艳松脆,若即若离,入口一触即脱,虾肉鲜嫩、略带甜酸,风味独特。 菜品制作 材料:河虾300克,大葱1根,生姜1小块,干辣椒5个;调料:食用油500克(实耗30克),香油1小匙,酱油1小匙,料酒2小匙,香醋1小匙,精盐1小匙,白糖1/2小匙,味精1/2小匙; 制作工艺 1.河虾剪净须足,洗净备用; 2.干辣椒洗净切段; 3.葱洗净切丝; 4.姜洗净切末; 5.热锅加油烧至高温,倒入虾,翻动数下迅速捞起,稍稍沥干油后,再放入锅中,如此反复三次; 6.锅内留少许油,加辣椒、葱丝、姜末煸香,倒入盐、味精、糖、香醋、酱油后小炒数下,加料酒搅匀,待汁液变稠时,倒入河虾,翻炒数下,淋上香油即可。
工艺提示 1. 油爆虾宜用素油,如果用荤油,凉后即起白沙,令人望而生腻; 2. 因有过油炸制过程,需准备花生油750克。 菜品营养与健康 河虾:虾营养丰富,其肉质松软,易消化,对身体虚弱以及病后需要调养的人是极好的食物; 虾中含有丰富的镁,能很好的保护心血管系统,它可减少血液中胆固醇含量,防止动脉硬化,同时还能扩张冠状动脉,有利于预防高血压及心肌梗死; 食谱相克 虾不宜与猪肉同食 同时忌与狗肉、鸡肉、獐肉、鹿肉、南瓜同食;糖、果汁与虾相克:同食会腹泻。 健康提示 1. 虾经油爆,表面油光润滑,虾壳薄亮透明,故又称“光明虾炙”; 2. 油爆虾分老爆、嫩爆两种,老爆虾虾肉略收缩,有韧劲、味极鲜。嫩爆虾虾肉较嫩,另有一番清鲜味。特别在端午节前后,虾脑丰富,显得格外鲜香肥嫩。
以上说明的方法为老爆虾法; 3. 此菜是江南传统下酒佳品。...
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