

04月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[重庆英文导游词]重庆英文导游词篇1Chongqing, located in southwest China, the Yangtze river and the jialing river interchange, and surrounded, wrap, river city mountain alongsid...+阅读

Kaifeng is of emperor momentum even though it is not a big city. In the past 3000 years, Kaifeng has been the capital of 7 dynasties, Wei of the warring states, Later Liang, Later Jin, Later Han, and Later Zhou of the Five Dynasties, the Song dynasty and Jin dynasty. The Song Dynasty kept Kaifeng its capital for 168 years, in which 9 generations of emperors lived. In Kaifeng's most prosper times in history, it has a great population of 1.5 million, and was accounted as a world-class metropolis. With so many historic events happened in here, Kaifeng was like a big stage where numerous historic characters came on and answered the curtain calls.


虽然舍不得,但还是不得不说再见了,感谢大家几天来对我工作的配合和给予我的支持和帮助 也许我不是最好的导游,但是大家却是我遇见最好的客人(视情况而定) 作为一个导游,虽然走的都是一些自己已经熟的不能再熟的景点,不过每次带不同的客人却能让我有不同的感受,在和大家初次见面的时候我曾说,相识即是缘,我们能同车而行即是修来的缘份;我由衷地感谢大家对我的支持和配合也许大家登上飞机(火车)后,我们以后很难会有再见面的机会,不过我希望大家回去以后和自己的亲朋好友回忆自己的某某之行的时候除了描述某地如何美丽,某地的历史是如何饱经沧桑之余不要忘了加上一句,在某地有一个导游小某,那是我的朋友!最后,祝福大家以后的人生道路上一路好走,工作顺利,开心,工资高涨。


跪求英文导游欢送词 !

Ladies and gentlemen, comrades and friends. Time goes so quickly and your trip to China is drawing to a close. Tomorrow morning our friends will be leaving Guangzhou for Hong Kong by train. Before wee part, I would like to say a few words. Entrusted by the Ministry of Public Security, Miss Chao and I took on the responsibility of doing logistics on behalf of the China Civil International Touristt Corporation during your stay in China。 不够说一声


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