

02月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[怎样写一段导游词]导游词结构 一篇完整的导游词,其结构一般包括习惯用语、概括介绍、重点讲解三个部分。 1.习惯用语 习惯用语又分为两个部分——见面时的开头语和离别时的告别语。 开头语包括...+阅读

英语6级,仅供参考,点个采纳啊,嘻嘻: 中文: 我先来讲“鸟巢”的基本情况吧! "鸟巢"体育场外壳采用可作为填充物的气垫膜,使屋顶达到完全防水的要求,阳光可以穿过透明的屋顶满足室内草坪的生长需要。比赛时,看台是可以通过多种方式进行变化的,可以满足不同时期不同观众量的要求,奥运期间的20000个(公文有约收集)临时座席分布在体育场的最上端,且能保证每个人都能清楚的看到整个赛场。

入口、出口及人群流动通过流线区域的合理划分和设计得到了完美的解决。 你们知道“鸟巢”象征意义吗?还是我来告诉你们吧! 很多看过“鸟巢”设计模型的人这样形容:那是一个用树枝般的钢网把一个可容10万人的体育场编织成的一个温馨鸟巢!用来孕育与呵护生命的“巢”,寄托着人类对未来的希望。 整个体育场结构的组件相互支撑,形成网格状的构架,外观看上去就仿若树枝织成的鸟巢,其灰色矿质般的钢网以透明的膜材料覆盖,其中包含着一个土红色的碗状体育场看台。

在这里,中国传统文化中镂空的手法、陶瓷的纹路、红色的灿烂与热烈,与现代最先进的钢结构设计完美地相融在一起。 整个建筑通过巨型网状结构联系,内部没有一根立柱,看台是一个完整的没有任何遮挡的碗状造型,如同一个巨大的容器,赋予体育场以不可思议的戏剧性和无与伦比的震撼力。这种均匀而连续的环形也将使观众获得最佳的视野,带动他们的兴奋情绪,并激励运动员向更快、更高、更强冲刺。

在这里,人,真正被赋予中心的地位。[整理] 我再来讲一下“鸟巢”的节省资源之处. 设计并搭建“鸟巢”不易,要让“鸟巢”在未来的日子里充满生机与活力更为不易。据介绍,“鸟巢”设计之初和深化设计的过程中,一直贯穿着节俭办奥运和可持续发展的理念,在满足奥运使用功能的前提下,充分考虑永久设施和临时设施的平衡。按照要求,“鸟巢”共设10万个座席,其中8万个是永久性的,另外两万个是奥运会期间临时增加的。

英文: I begin the basic situation of the "bird's nest"!"Bird's nest" the stadium as the air cushion film, padding to completely waterproof roof, sunshine can satisfy the transparent roofs across the lawn of the growth of indoor. Competition, it can change through various ways in different periods, and can satisfy the requirements of different audiences during the Olympic Games, the official collected about 20,000 (temporary) in the stadium seating top, and can ensure that everyone can clearly see the whole game. Entrance, export and crowd flow through the regional division and reasonable streamline design the perfect solution.Do you know the "bird's nest" symbolic significance? I'll tell you!Many seen "bird's nest" design model to describe the person that use: that is a branch of steel nets to hold a 10 million into the stadium of a warm nest! Used with care "nest" life, isreposing human hope for the future.The stadium of mutual support structure component, the structure, the appearance of grid will look like the bird's nest, and the woven branches of steel nets to gray mineral, transparent membrane materials it contains a soil red bowl stadium. Here, in Chinese traditional culture, the ceramics hollow-out the brilliant red lines, with warm, with the most advanced modern steel structure design perfectly unite together.The whole building through the giant mesh structure, internal contact no one column, is a complete no block bowl, like a huge shape of the container, giving stadium with incredible drama and incomparable. The uniform and continuous loop will also make the audience to get the best view of them, the excitement and encourage players to faster, higher, stronger. Here, person, really was endowed with center position. [arrangement] I'll tell the "bird's nest" save resources.Design and build the "bird's nest", let not the "bird's nest" in the future days full of vigor and vitality more easily. According to introducing, "bird's nest" at the beginning of design and detailed design of process, always with holding the Olympic Games and the concept of sustainable development, the use function in the premise, fully considered permanent facilities and temporary facilities. According to the requirement, the "bird's nest", a total of 100,000 pew, including eight million is permanent and other temporary increase during the games is twenty.


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