

04月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[简单的英语场景对话如购物问路]看看这个成不成 英语日常情景对话之迷路篇 A: Excuse me. I'm afraid I got lost. Can you show me the way to the station? A:对不起,我迷路了,请问您能告诉我去车站怎么走吗...+阅读

Asking about places

(1) 询问地点

(1) 基本词汇: excuse劳驾 where 哪 park 公园 over there 那儿 welcome 欢迎 please 请 主要句型: Excuse me. Where is the Zhongshan Park, please? 请问,中山公园在哪里? It's over there. 就在那儿。 情景会话: A: Excuse me. Where is the Zhongshan Park, please? 请问,中山公园在哪里? B: It's over there. 就在那儿。 A: Thank you. 谢谢你。 B: You are welcome. 不用客气。 用法说明: 对话中Where is the Zhongshan Park, please? 请问,中山公园在哪里?这是问路时的一种表达方式,其他方式还有:How can I get to the Zhongshan Park, please?请问,去中山公园怎么走?其中的How can I get to…?意为“去…怎么走?”需要注意的是,指路时,可以说“Turn right.”(向右转),“Turn left.”(向左转)。“Turn back.”向后转)和“Go straight on.”(笔直走)。 要注意的是“Excuse me.” 这个习惯用法,在用英语交际时,应注重礼貌。Excuse me. 是很常见的一句礼貌用语,意思是“劳驾或者请问”,常用于向陌生人询问,请人让路,要求插话时为了引起别人注意的一句话。 当别人对你提供的帮助表示感谢时,你可以说“You are welcome.”或者“My pleasure.”。意为:不客气,不用谢。 补充情景对话: A: Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office, please? 请问, 最近的邮局在什么地方? B: It's around the corner. 就在拐角处。 A: Thank you. 谢谢您。 B: You are welcome. 不客气。 替换练习: Where is the Zhongshan Park, please? 请问,中山公园在哪里? the Jade Spring玉泉 Wu Hill吴山 Linyin Temple灵隐寺 the Tiger Spring虎跑 Asking about places

(2) 询问地点

(2) 基本词汇: can 能够 may 可以 to get a taxi乘出租车 railway station 火车站 OK 行,好的 Hangzhou Railway Station 杭州火车站 to get a taxi 叫出租车 主要句型: How can I get to Hangzhou Railway Station, please? 请问去杭州火车站怎么走? You may get a taxi. 你可以叫一辆出租车。 That's OK. 不用谢。 情景会话: A: Excuse me. How can I get to Hangzhou Railway Station, please? 劳驾。请问去杭州火车站怎么走? B: You may get a taxi. 你可以叫一辆出租车。 A: Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 B: That's OK. 不用谢。 用法说明: That's OK. 意为不用谢, 与You are welcome. 意思相似。 实际生活中,要用英语问路时,首先问路的人最好停下来或者是缓步的走近你要询问的人,表情不要太紧张,一定不要急急忙忙的走向别人,否则别人会怀疑你的动机。另外,问话前不要忘记说一句Excuse me. 这样既可以引起对方的注意,又比较礼貌。 需要注意的是,问话的时候应该与对方保持一定的距离,尤其是当被询问的对象是一位女性时,要特别注重这一点,否则会使对方会觉得不自在,甚至会感到你不礼貌。 补充情景对话: A: Excuse me. How can I get to the West Lake? 请问, 去西湖怎么走? B: Go straight ahead and you will see it. 笔直走您就会看见西湖。 A: Thank you. 谢谢您! B: You are welcome. 不用客气。 替换练习: How can I get to Hangzhou Railway Station, please? 请问去杭州火车站怎么走? Hangzhou Theatre杭州剧院 Wanghu Hotel望湖饭店 Zhejing Museum浙江博物馆 Asking about places

(3) 询问地点

(3) 基本词汇: bank银行 near 附近 here这儿 China 中国 pleasure 荣幸 very much 非常 主要句型: Is there a bank near here? 请问附近有银行吗? There is a Bank of China over there. 那边有一家中国银行。 情景会话: A: Excuse me. Is there a bank near here? 劳驾。请问附近有银行吗? B: Yes. There is a Bank of China over there. 是的,那边有一家中国银行。 A: Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 B: It's my pleasure. 不用客气。 用法说明: 在英语中,问路要注意以下的几个方面,首先,适当的称呼能有助于缩短人与人之间的距离,密切人们之间的关系。其次,如果想问清楚到达附近一个地方的路线,你最好去问 一个在当地生活多年或非常了此解地的人比如居民、小店主或警察等。 如果要去的地方很偏僻或者知道得不很具体,那最好先问清楚那个地址附近的有标志性的建筑物或者有名的街道,到达之后再细问具体的地址。 补充情景对话: A: Excuse me. Is there a supermarket nearby? 请问, 附近有超市吗? B: Yes. It's just over there. 有的,就在那儿。 A: Thank you. 谢谢! B You are welcome. 不用谢。 替换练习: Is there a bank near here? 请问附近有银行吗? post office 邮局 supermarket超市 groceries杂货店 tationery文具店


新学期开学.你的老师想了解你的业余生活情况. 1.I usually do my homeworks after school. 2.I like bowling the best. 3.I excerise every night. 4.I'm very happy and relax on the weekend. 5.I watch TV every weekend after studying. 6.My facorite program is cartoons. 假如你在商场想买一件T-short,售货员帮你找到一件合适 的,你把他买下来.请你回答他的问话. 1.Please find a T-shirt that fits me. 2.I want medium size. 3.I would like red or blue. 4.This one lokks good,thanks. 5.Thanks,on more.As long as you ask politely, most people do not mind repeating something you didn't hear or understand. 1.A: I'm sorry, but I didn't catch what you said. B: I said, "Do you want me to help you?" A: If you're sure you're not in a hurry, I can use a lttle help. B: Would you like me to get you a cab? 2.A: I beg your pardon? B: I said, "Do you need any help?" A: That's very nice of you. I guess I could use some help. B: Just tell me what you'd like me to do. 3.A: What was that? B: I said, "Is there anything I can do?" A: If it's not too much trouble, I would like some help. B: It's no trouble at all. I'll carry this suitcase for you. 4.A: Excuse me? I didn't hear what you said. B: I asked you if you wanted some help. A: If you wouldn't mind, I could use a hand. B: I'll get this bag for you.(4)。

Saying Goodbye 告别 When you're far from friends and family, you can keep in touch with them by letters, post cards, short notes or phone calls. 1.A: I've come to say goodbye. B: When are you off? A: I'm flying home on Sunday afternoon. B: Well, goodbye. See you soon. A: Please don't forget to say goodbye to the rest of the family for me. 2.A: I'd like to say goodbye to everyone. B: What time are you going? A: My plane leaves at 7:25. B; Well, goodbye and have a good trip! A: Goodbye. Remember to look me up if you're ever in Washington. 3.A; I'm calling to say goodbye. B: When do you leave? A: I'm catching the 11:00 train. B: Take care of yourself and don't forget to keep in touch. A: Goodbye. Thanks again for everything. 4.A: I just dropped in to say goodbye. B: What time are you leaving? A: I'm going to try to leave by 10:00. B: Take care and give my best to your parents. A: Goodbye. Hope to see you again next year.



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