

03月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[二人英语口语小对话]英语口语小对话:a: i he a new strategy for getting better grades in school this year.b: oh, really? whats your technique?a: simple. i hent used all my capabili...+阅读

A:Hey!Guy,I hear (that)you want to go to a travell.B:How did you get that?A:Oh.I hear from your mother yesterday.B:Err...Ok,I really want to go out to see somethinh else.Do you want to join us?A:Us?You mean....B:Yeah, Some friends .You know them too.还有…

A:Where do to plan to go?B:It is not decided.That's not a hard problem,I think. How about your opinion?With us?A:Me?Err...I have to ask my father.You know(that)he is an old fogey(老顽固)B:Ok.Good luck!See you.A:See you.

英语口语考试很急!要求:设计一段2个人的对话每人2 3句就

A:Hey, mate, it's fun to work in the gym, right ?Imagine that you can see many famous athletics here, you can say hello and take photos with them, isn't it cool?嘿,伙计,在体育馆工作是种乐趣不是吗?想象一下在这你可以见到很多著名的运动员,你可以跟他们打招呼还可以拍照,多酷啊! B:Err......It's sounds not really bad, but it's still boring to work here all the time without some entertainment?嗯~听起来也不坏,但是在这一直工作没什么娱乐多无聊啊! A:But don't you think that we good friends both here is the best thing better than anything in the world?难道你不认为咱们好朋友在一起比世界上任何事都要好吗? B:That's true. Ok, let's do some preparation.那倒是真的,好吧,咱们准备一下. A: B:


a what do you thinkof happiness?

b i think that happiness is when you feel delighted and relax.

a i agree. when do you think you have happiness?

b when i am with my parents, i feel happy. especially when we travel together. i think that is happiness. what about you?

a well, when i help old people, i feel happy. and i think helping people is happiness.

b yes.share is good.may we all get happiness.


二人简单英语对话双语英语口语小对话a: i he had a hard time cutting the mustard at work. i feel like i just dont he the right stuff.b: you know, i feel the exact opposite. i feel l...

二人简单英语口语情景对话英语口语小对话a: i am helpless to change the situation.b: it was a clumsy mistake that got you in trouble. fetting to give the boss his wifes message makes yo...

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英语口语考试二人对话麻烦帮忙编一下A:Hey!Guy,I hear (that)you want to go to a travell.B:How did you get that?A:Oh.I hear from your mother yesterday.B:Err...Ok,I really want to go out to see somet...

英语口语考试两人对话a what do you thinkof happiness? b i think that happiness is when you feel delighted and relax. a i agree. when do you think you have happiness? b when i am wit...

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