
英语口语四人对话关于1问路 2交朋友 3开生日会

03月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[简单的英语场景对话如购物问路]看看这个成不成 英语日常情景对话之迷路篇 A: Excuse me. I'm afraid I got lost. Can you show me the way to the station? A:对不起,我迷路了,请问您能告诉我去车站怎么走吗...+阅读

1 A:Excuse me,could you please tell me the way to the bank? B:OK.Go straight and turn left,then go down center street.It's on your right. A:Is it far from here? B:Yes, a little.You can take a bus if you like. A:Which bus should I take? B:You can take the No.17 bus. A:Where is the bus stop? B:It's over there. A:Oh,thank you so much. B:You're welcome. 2 T: Hello! My name is Tommy. What's your name? N: Hi! Tommy! I am Mini Mouse. Glad to meet you. T: Glad to meet you, too. T: This is my home. Please come in. N: Thank you. T: Please take a seat. N: Thank you. You have a nice home! T: Let's be friends. OK? N: OK. Let's shake hands. T: We are friends now, you and I. N: Yes. We'll see each other every day. T: We never make each other cry. N: We help each other in every way. T: 你好!我的名字叫汤米。你叫什么名字? N: 你好!汤米!我是迷你老鼠。很高兴见到你。

T: 也很高兴见到你。这是我的家。请进来。 N: 谢谢你。 T: 请坐。 N: 谢谢。你的家真不错! T: 我们做朋友吧!好吗? N: 好。握握手。 T: 我们现在是朋友了,我和你。 N: 是的。我们将天天见面。 T: 我们从不惹对方哭。 N: 我们处处帮助对方。 3 Michaela : It's Mo's birthday next week. Let's have a party! Wendy : A party? Great idea. I'll make a birthday cake. Tom : I'll bring my dog. Michaela: No, Tom. Don't bring your dog. He'll eat all the food! Tom : Well, OK. What shall I do then? Michaela: We need some plates and cups. Tom : Polly has some. I'll ask her. 译文: 生日 麦克拉:下个星期是毛的生日。让我们举行一个聚会! 温迪 :一个聚会?好主意。我将做一个生日蛋糕。 汤姆 :我将把我的狗带去。 麦克拉:不,汤姆。不要带你的狗来。

它将吃掉所有的食物! 汤姆 :噢,好的。那么我能做什么? 麦克拉:我们需要一些盘子和杯子。 汤姆 :宝利有一些。我会向她借的。 4 服务员 Hello, may I help you? 您好,点餐吗? 林涛 A Spicy Chicken Combo and two pineapple pies, please. 一个麦辣鸡腿套餐和两个菠萝派。 服务员 Sorry. We don't have any pineapple pies right now. Would you like to order something else? 对不起,菠萝派现在没有了。您能换个别的吗? 林涛 Yeah, two banana pies. 好,两个香蕉派吧。 服务员 Ok. That's 25.5 RMB. 好的。总共二十五块五。 林涛 Here you are. 给。 服务员 Thank you. Would you like it for here or to go? 谢谢。您是在这儿吃还是带走? 林涛 To go. 莉莉 What would you like to eat? 你想吃什么? 艾丽丝 I'd like an egg soup. 我要一个蛋汤。 莉莉 Anything else? 还要别的吗? 艾丽丝 No, I don't have much of an appetite today. 不要了,今天没什么胃口。

莉莉 What about steamed fish? It's light. 来个清蒸鱼吧,清淡。 艾丽丝 That sounds good. 听起来不错。 莉莉 Yeah. I like it a lot. 嗯,我可喜欢吃了。

速度急求英语口语考试4人对话 food

A:Do you like Chinese food. B:Yeah,but it's not my favorite.Actually,I prefer American fast food,it's convenient and tasty. A:But don't you think it's too greasy? B:Well,taste comes first for me. A:Chinese food is delicious,too.And it's more sophisticated.There are more options in Chinese Cuisine. C:But still,some Chinese cooking can be quite greasy,too.For example,stir-fried dishes.In fact,I think Japanese food is a more healthy cuisine.Less greasy,less salty. D:Agreed.But some of its dishes include raw meat,and that is a little unacceptable to some people. C:Exactly.I'm afraid it's one of those cultural differences in food. A:I think so,too.There is little raw material in Chinese cooking,the Chinese people seem to enjoy cooked meat and vegetables. B:But in American cooking,some dishes just include raw materials.Salad is a good example. D:Comparatively,American food is not such a good fit in the Western cuisines.It's cooking is more simple.It is said that Americans eat with brains,meaning Americans pay more attention to the nutrition of food rather than taste. C:And it's also said that the Japanese people eat with eyes.I guess it means the Japanese prefer their meals be pretty rather than tasty. A:In that sense,I think the Chinese people eat with brains, eyes and tongues.We hope our food to be nutritious,pretty and delicious. D:Well,if that is the case,the Chinese people must pay attention to their weights,considering they are surrounded by such wonderful food.

速度急求英语口语考试4人对话分别以food animal college

FOOD A: Hi guys, how are you doing? B, C, D: Great, buddy! B: Hey D. I heard that you just come back form India. How do you like that country? D: Well not bad, but what really impress me is the good I. C: Really? Tell us more about the food. D: You know, the most famouse food in India is curry but you might don't know there are so many different curries in India. A: Yes, I know. My roommate is from India and he said besides the flavor, there are also some curries in different colors, red, white, yellow, green even black. C: Sounds great, it is my first time to hear that. But what does the different curries taste like? D: Some of them taste almost the same except for the spicy degree. A: So which one you recommend the most? D: Well, it is hard to tell. But I tried one black curry at the last day in the airport, which is really special. This curry smells kinda bitter but after taking several mouthful, you feel a little sweet. B: Sounds interesting. Do you remember the name of it? I do want to try it. D: Sorry, I don't really remember the name. C: No problem, we can go to visit A's roommate someday. I think he must know that. B: Good idea. We can also ask him to write down the recipe ... C: And ... we can then hold an little party for Indian food in my home A: Great idea. ----------------------------------------------- ANIMAL B: Hey buddies, did you guys watch the program on discovery channel last night? A: No. What's that about? C: I watched part of it when it started to talk about scary snakes, looks so gross, so I turn it off then. D: Oh, do you mean the one talking about the most dangerous animals in the world? I wathced it, it's awesome. C: Sound funny. Tell us more. A: Yes, please. B: The program shows us the top ten dangerous animals in the world. Besides some anmails like lion, snake and crocodile. There are few animals you never thought would be listed in the top ten. A: Really? What is that? B: Take a guess. C: sprider? B: Bingo! That's one of them but not the topest one. D: Anaconda must be one of them A: Hey, I think anaconda is one kind of snakes, isn't it? B: Yes, it is. But they separate it from poisonous snakes because of different way of attacking target. A: Ok. So what is the no. 1 danegerous animals in the world? B: You have no idea ... it is the hippo C: Hippo? Are you kidding? I thinkg it is sort of cute. B: Cute? It is not the first word comes up with me after watching the program. The scientist in the program mentions that the hippo has an extremely strong teeth and oral muscle. It can kill a crocodile immediately by a bite. D: Oh, it is really shocking me. C: Me too. A: Interesting. I want to go back to watch the replay tonight.


Ann:mom,what do we have this dinner? Mom:How about fish,fruit salad,and bread? Dad:I just want to eat out.I don't think we have enough time ti make dinner. Bob(the brother of Ann):mom,our biology teacher told me fish shouldn't eat with fruit,that's harmful to the body.And dad,most of the restaurants put too much oil to the meal in order to make the meals taste delicious,actrually it's bad for our health. Ann:I agree with Bob,let's eat salad and bread and some egg,that's the balenced diet. Mom:Well done,chindren,I think you are great,mom and dad really should learn something new.


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