

03月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[常见的英语合同带翻译]英语销售必备:房屋租赁英语合同范文The parties to the contract agree as follows:合同双方均同意以下条款如下:1. The Lessor agrees to lease and the Lessee agrees to...+阅读

凭保兑的、不可撤销的信用证,凭即期汇票。如果没有追索权的前几天,卖方装运期开始本合同的约定。 在信用证远征军的. 本合同号码必须引用。 通过电汇






Technical cooperation agreement Party A Party B After several friendly talks, the two sides treat each other the spirit of sincerity, mutual benefit and common development, technical cooperation between the two sides agreed intentions and set out an agreement both sides are willing to abide by the following: 1. Party A Party B free of charge provided to the 537-type towel socks 32 sets, and randomly configure socks pin 6000, the settlement sheet 4000, 1000 and part of jacquard needle machine parts. 2. Party socks export commitments to China in the port from China, ending all costs, B bear the freight from China to Bangladesh, and the socks were imported into Bangladesh and then to become the origin of all costs incurred. 3. In order to ensure normal production orders issued by Party A, Party A to send two technical personnel stationed in B, sending staff salaries and other expenses borne by the Party; Party B shall be provided free of charge for the dispatch of personnel working and living conditions: for example, is equipped with a translation of 2 for the Chinese workers in Bangladesh, two officers insurance, transportation, accommodation (including the need to use the cabinet, health, air conditioners, furniture, etc.). sending personnel stationed in the provisional period of one year, if it be extended, the agreement of both parties are required. 4. This cooperation agreement is limited to the terms stated in the first production scale, if the need to develop and expand in the future, both sides will be further consultation or the signing of cooperation agreements. 5. This Agreement signed by both parties after the entry into force and have the corresponding legal effects. Matters relating to the event of breach of the agreement, the two sides first negotiated settlement, the consultation fails to support the law. 6. Four copies of this Agreement, both sides armed with two applications.


Upon payment of the amounts noted in Article One above, the parties hereto forever release and discharge the other party, its successors and permitted assigns, its directors, officers, employees, agents and consultants, and its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees, agents and consultants from any and all actions, causes of action, liabilities, claims and demands whatsoever which the undersigned ever had, now has or may hereafter

have by reason of any cause, matter or thing whatsoever existing up to the present time and arising from any and all dealing between the parties in respect of this indebtedness.



只是看起来长了点,其实很好理解,主句很简单的the parties hereto forever release and discharge the other party........后面一串都是人,不用管,放回去就好。

免除的条件是什么,就是最开始的这么一句话Upon payment of the amounts noted in Article One above,说白了,付钱

免除对什么东西的责任呢,any and all actions, causes of action, liabilities, claims and demands whatsoever


which the undersigned ever had, now has or may hereafter


什么原因引起的责任by reason of any cause, matter or thing whatsoever

这种原因有什么条件呢, existing up to the present time and arising from any and all dealing between the parties in respect of this indebtedness.




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