

02月18日 编辑 39baobao.com

[1999年3月英语笔译考试真题中译英][原 文] 虽然美国经济在过去几年中已实现了转型,但某些问题自美国建国之初以来一直持续至今,依然悬而未决。其中之一便是围绕着政府在一个基本上属于市场性质的经济中的恰当角色...+阅读

4. 运输标志. 卖方应在每个货箱上用不褪色油漆标明箱号、毛重、净重、长、宽、高,并标有“小心轻放”,“防潮”及“防热”等字样和运输标志。 5. 装运日期:2014年8月8日6.装运港:洛杉矶7.目的港:宁波8. 保险.由买方投保。9. 支付条件: 信用证 买方收到卖方交货通知,应在交货日期前25 – 30 天,由中国银行开出以卖方为受益人的与装运金额相同的不可撤销的信用证。

卖方须向开证行出具100%发票金额即期汇票并附本合同第10款所规定的装运单据。开证行收到上述汇票和装运单据即予以电汇支付。信用证于装运日期后20天内有效。4. The Seller shall shipping mark on each package with fadeless paint mark the package number, gross and net weight, length, width, height, and marked "handle with care", "moisture" and "heat" and other words and shipping marks.5 August 8, 20146 date of shipment: port of shipment: port of destination: Losangeles 7 Ningbo8 Insurance to be covered by the buyer.9 Payment: credit the buyer receives the delivery notice to the seller, should be in 25 - 30 days before the date of delivery, by Chinese bank in favor of the seller with the same amount of shipment irrevocable letter of credit. The Seller shall submit to the issuing bank issued 100% of the invoice value against sight draft and shipping documents attached to this contract in the tenth paragraph. The issuing bank receipt of the drafts and shipping documents shall be telegraphic transfer. The letter of credit to the shipment within 20 days after the date of effective.


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