

03月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[急求一份关于希拉里简介的英文PPT]Hillary was raised in a middle-class family in the middle of America. From that classic suburban childhood in Park Ridge, Illinois, Hillary went on to become on...+阅读

西湖醋鱼:原料草鱼 一条(约重700克) 绍酒 25毫升 酱油 75毫升 姜末 2.5克 白糖 60克 湿淀粉 50克 米醋 50毫升 胡椒粉 适量 制法:1.将草鱼饿养一到两天,促使排泄尽草料及泥土味,使鱼肉结实,烹制前宰杀洗净。 2.将鱼身从尾部入刀,剖劈成雌、雄两片,斩去鱼牙,在鱼的雄片上,从离鳃盖瓣4.5厘米开始,每隔4.5厘米左右斜批一刀,共批五刀,在批第三刀时,在腰鳍后0.5厘米处切断,使鱼成两段,以便烧煮。在雄片剖面脊部厚处向腹部斜剞一长刀,不要损伤鱼皮。3.炒锅内放清水1000毫升,用旺火烧沸,先放雄片前半段,再将鱼尾段接在上面,然后将雄片和雌片并放,鱼头对齐,鱼皮朝上,盖上锅盖。待锅水再沸时,启盖,撇去浮沫,转动炒锅,继续用旺火烧煮约三分钟,用筷子轻轻地扎鱼的雄片颔下 部,如能扎入即熟。

锅内留下250毫升的汤水,放入酱油、绍酒、姜末,即将鱼捞出,放入盘中,装盘时将鱼皮朝上,把鱼的两片背脊拼成鱼尾段与雄片拼接,并沥去汤水。 4.锅内原汤汁中,加入白糖、米醋和湿淀粉,调匀的芡汁,用手勺推搅成浓汁,浇遍鱼的全身即成。上桌随带胡椒粉。 West Lake Fish in Vinegar GravyRaw materials :One of grass carp ( about 700 grams ) 25 ML75 ml of ginger soy sauce 2.5 G50 grams of sugar, 60 G wet starch50 ML rice vinegar peppers and the rightMethod : 1. The hungry grass carp a day or two to promote the excretion smell of hay and soil, fish, and slaughtered before the cooking washing.2. Tail of the fish from the knife, cut into two pieces of female and male, chopping fish teeth, in the male fish slice, starting from 4.5 cm away from the gill cover flap, about every 4.5 cm diagonal Batch a knife, approved a total of five knives, when instalment of the third knife, at 0.5 cm waist fins cut off, the fish in half in order to cook.In the male section of ridge thickness abdominal oblique a long knife, not to damage the skin.3. Put 1000 ml of water in the pan, with Mong Kok Fire to boil, put the male film the first half, top and tail section, and then to put the male and female and fish head alignment, the fish on the Pi Chao, cover the pan.When a pot of water boiling it later, Kai cover, apart from froth, rotating Pan, continue to use the Mong Kok cooked on fire about three minutes, gently stab the male fish slices with chopsticks lower jaw, as can dive into the well.Left in the pot soup 250 ML, into a sauce,, ginger, is about to fish out, placed in the tray, the fish plate on the Pi Chao, put the fish back like a fish tail and two male film splicing, Lek Yuen Estate, and to soups.4. In juice in the pan, add sugar, rice vinegar and wet starch, juice mix thoroughly with the hands push into a thick sauce spoon, water all over the fish that is.On the table that comes with pepper.


全体乳猪 Roast whole suckling pig 特色五福拼盘 Special five varieties 葡国碳烧肉Portuguese roast pork 脆皮靓烧鸡Crispy chicken 湛江皇后水晶鸡Zhanjiang Crystal chicken 金牌回香鸡Golden tasty chicken 盐香脆皮鸡Salty crispy chicken 高州葱油先鸡Gaozhou style shallot favour Chicken 蜜汁碳烧叉烧Honey charcoal pork 碳烧靓排骨Charcoal spare ribs 骨香乳鸽Tasty baby pigeon 锦绣烧味拼盘Assorted barbecue meat 新派卤水拼盘New style soy sauce stewed meat 新派卤水掌翼New style soy sauce stewed goose wing and feet 新派卤水大肠头New style soy sauce stewed pig's intestine 新派卤水肚仔New style soy sauce stewed pig's tomach 新派卤水脚仔New style soy sauce stewed pig's hoof 盐焗肾片Baked salty chicken kidney 凉拌海蜇Marinated cold jelly fish 刀拍黄瓜Marinated cold cucumber 小食类Entree 日式海蜇Japanese style Jelly Fish 日式八爪鱼Japanese style Octopus 凉拌青瓜Marinated cold cucumber 凉拌粉皮Marinated cold bean pasty 蒜香肾片Garlic taste kidney 蒜香猪耳仔Garlic taste pig's ear 麻辣凤爪Spicy hot chicken feet 琥珀核桃Deep fried walnut in Syrup泰汁银雪鱼Codfish in Thai sauce 甜麦豆炒带子北极贝Stir fry sweet bean scallops 脆皮咸猪手Salty taste crispy trotter XO酱爆花枝片XO Soy Sauce Fry Flower Branch Pieces 芦笋蚌肉鸽片Stir fry boneless pigeon, mussel and asparagus 盐焗猪肚Baked salty pig's stomach XO酱爆生肠Stir fry intestines in XO sauce 辣子鸡Stir fry chicken with hot chilli 酥炸百花球Crispy fry flower ball 酱爆竹肠Stir fry intestines with bean sauce 黑椒蝴蝶骨Fry sphenoid with black pepper 剁椒鱼咀Stir fry fish head with hot chili 红葱头蒸鸡Braise chicken with shallot 沙锅鱼头煲Braise fish head clay pot 爆野兔Stir fry rabbit 京葱爆驼峰肉Stir fry camel hump with shallot 西芹腰果核桃肉Stir fry celery, cashew and walnut 鲍汁百灵菇鹅肠Stir fry mushroom and goose intestine in abalone sauce 椒盐排骨Spicy spare ribs 剁椒鱼咀Stir Fry fish mouth with chopped pepper 尖椒猪肚Stir fry Pig's Stomach with hot chili 罗定豆豉鸡Luoding style braise chicken in bean sauce 辣子鸡丁Stir fry chicken dices with hot chili 鲍汁百灵菇Stir fry mushroom with abalone sauce 红葱头猪俐Stir fry pig's tongue with onion 盐焗肾片Salt Kidney Pieces 蒜香骨Garlic tasty spare ribs 栗干炆鸡Stew chicken with chestnut 川汁鸡球Sichuan style chicken meat ball 酱爆双脆Soy sauce fry double cracking 水煮牛肉Poach beef with hot chili 鲜鱿让鲮鱼胶Squid with fish stuffing 豆腐鱼头煲Boil Fish Head with bean curd 豉汁蒸排骨/鱼Steam spare ribs/fish with black bean sauce 豉油王鹅肠Stir fry goose intestines with soy sauce 姜葱爆牛肉Stir fry beef with ginger and shallot 黑椒炒牛肉Stir fry beef with black pepper 茶树菇蒸牛柳Steam beef and mushroom 酱爆牛柳Stir fry beef in bean sauce 剁椒鱼头Stir fry fish head with chopped hot chili 生炒骨/酸甜排骨Sweet and sour spare ribs 老坛子 Old crock 海味什锦煲Stew seafood combination in clay pot 泰式凤爪Thailand style chicken feet 回锅肉Sichuan style stew pork 梅菜蒸肉片Steam port with preserved vegetable 西汁鸡扒Chicken with western sauce 鲜淮山炆排骨Stew spare ribs with yam 翠玉兰花 Stir fry broccoli 酸茄黄金酿Brew sweet and sour eggplant 双菇扒菜胆略Stir fry mushrooms 牛肉炒蛋Stir fry beef and egg 凉瓜炒牛肉Stir fry beef with bitter melon 竹笙酿玉液Brew bamboo Shoot with wine 金华娃娃菜Stir fry baby cabbage 尖椒牛肉Stir fry beef with hot chili 芦笋炒牛肉Stir fry beef and asparagus 西兰花超鱿鱼Stir fry squid and broccoli 西芹炒腊味Stir fry preserved ham and celery XO酱爆鱿鱼Stir fry squid in XO sauce 韭菜花炒银鱼Stir fry whitebait with chives 土豆炒肉片Stir fry pork with potato 煲淋大芥菜Leaf mustard in soup 三色蒸蛋Steam eggs 丝瓜炒肉片/猪肝/猪什Stir fry pork/liver/bowels with gourd 潮式大芥菜肉碎Chaozhou style mustard leaf and minced pork 豆豉鲮鱼炒时蔬Stir fry fish and vegetable in black bean sauce 节瓜虾米粉丝煲Stew dried shrimps, vermicelli and melon in clay pot 凉瓜炒肉片Stir fry pork with bitter melon 酸豆角炒肉碎Stir fry minced pork with pickle bean 菜甫煎蛋Fry egg with vegetable 榨菜肉丝韭黄Stir fry pork with pickle vegetable and leek 上汤油菜Boil vegetable in chicken stock 盐水菜芯Boil vegetable in salty water 广州炒饭Guangzhou Fry Rice 白玉藏珍'Treasures hides in white jade 麻婆豆腐Sichuan style bean curd 凉瓜炒蛋Fry Eggs with bitten melon 炒油菜Stir fry vegetable 茄子煲Stew eggplant clay pot 蒜蓉炒丝瓜Stir fry gourd with garlic 虎皮尖椒Tiger Skin fry pepper 辣椒圈炒蛋Stir fry egg in hot chili 酸辣土豆丝Chili and sour potato 干炒牛河Dry fry rice noodles with beef 肉片炒面Stir fry noodles with pork 斋汤面Vegetari...


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