[不客气的英文怎么说?]Do not mention it. 不客气。 You are welcome. 不客气。 You are very welcome. 不客气。 Don't mention it. 不客气。 Please do not mention it. 请不用客气。 No troubl...+阅读
First Sudsing: Use approximately a dime-sized amount of shampoo. Thoroughly wet hair, apply shampoo and with your fingernails, gently scratch through your hair, scalp and sideburns. This will loosen dry and flaky skin. Note: There will be very little lather during your first sudsing.
Second Sudsing: Again, use a dime-sized amount, however this time use your fingertips to gently work through your hair and scalp. On your second sudsing you will notice much more lather. New Generation cleans so thoroughly that your hair and scalp should be cleaner than they ever have been.
有关在外住宿的英文对话1 Guest: Excuse me, what't the price of a single room? Clerk: That's $50 for a single night. Guest: Are meals included? Clerk: Yes, of course. Can I make a rese...
招股说明书的一般内容与格式是怎样的(一)封面、书脊、扉页、目录、释义 1.招股说明书的编制原则是“发行人将一切对(投资者进行投资判断)有重大影响的信息予以充分披露,以利于投资者更好地作出投资决策”。(单选) 2.招...
什么是招股说明书公司(或者基金)公开发行股票(或者公开筹措资金)时所发布的文件。文件提供公司(或者基金)背景以及财务和管理状况等信息。 证券 Securities 对股票、企业债券、单据、票据、政府债...
招股说明书的编制和披露规定有哪些1、 招股说明书信息披露的要求 《公开发行证券的公司信息披露内容与格式准则第1号——招股说明书》规定了招股说明书信息披露的最低要求。不论“第1号准则”是否有明确规定,...
招股说明书招股意向书上市公告书有什么区别招股意向书是给中国证券监督管理委员会看的,为了通过上市 招股说明书是给想申购该公司股票的投资者看的,为了让更多人来申购该股 上市公告书是该公司股票在上市前最后一次完全...
招股说明书包括哪些内容招股说明书的内容一般包括以下内容: 1.招股说明书封面; 2.招股说明书目录; 3.招股说明书正文; (1)主要资料 (2)释义 (3)绪言 (4)发售新股的有关当事人 (5)风险因素与对策 (6)募集资金的运用...
招股说明书的附录附录的内容至少包括以下各项: (1)财务报表及其注释和审计报告; (2)财务报表差异调节表;如果发行人既发行A股,又发行B股或者既在境内发行,又在境外发行,由于会计准则的不同导致不同...
求两篇纯英文的产品说明书Directions: For optimum problem-free results, follow these steps every day. 1.Clean hands thoroughly before touching ears, studs and lobes. 2.Using cotton balls...