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[名师详解大学英语四级考试汉译英部分]解题方法:第一步:首先快速浏览句子,先看英语不看汉语,从而判断划线处所填句子的形式、时态。备考推荐:四级 六级新题型试题及专家点评所谓形式包括:1词组固定搭配(不定式短语...+阅读

选A. 这个句子的意思是: 他想走出自己的房间,并_____到后面的花园。 A.跑 B.游 C.翻转 D.拿 答案可想而知..~ 1.for 2.at 3.to 4.at 5.in 6.in 7.at 8.in 9.不知道 10.for

1、He and his father often discussed news.

2、I enjoyed watch action films.

3、I can't stand this cold weather.

4、Please completed the work by next Tuesday

5、I never mind the classmates of my views. - - 哎 自己做的._.


用适当的介词填空  1. The man ( ) blue is Jack's father.  2. Who' the girl ( ) small mouth?  3. You shouldn't walk ( ) the grass.  4. Look, Nancy is sitting ( ) her father and mother.  5. You must stay away ( ) the house.  6. Now, I know a lot ( ) insects.  7. My little brother always has a lot ( ) questions.  8. We're very happy ( ) school.  9. Keep ( ) the grass,please.  10. Jim is in Row 4.I sit ( ) him  11. Let's hurry, we're late ( ) the class.  12. Liu Tao is passing the ball ( ) David.  13. Who's the woman ( ) the red scarf?  14. Our classroom is ( ) the teachers'office  15. Look ( ) the picture. Who is the girl the man and the woman.  16. Can you read the number ( ) one ( ) ten?  17. Go ( ) the street,turn right at the first crossing.  18. What can you see ( ) the tree? Some peaches  19. Mr Wang is ill. He's ( ) home  20. Here's a letter ( )Fang Ming. Let me read it to you.  21. My skirts are ( ) the sofa  22. This is a photo ( ) my family  23. Can I go ( ) you?  24. The girl ( ) green is my aunt.  25. There are some bikes ( ) the big tree.  26. Put your umbrella ( ) the door.  27. The post office is ( ) the bank of China  28. I can see a sofa( ) the desk and the fridge.


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