

03月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[汉译英]Part VI Translation (5 minutes) Directions: plete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets. Please write your translation on Answ...+阅读

1. You have to learn new skills no matter how much experience you have.(或no matter how experienced you are)2. Another question is that who will be sent to lead the researching.3. They faced a little trouble at the begining of their relationship because of their different cultures.4. Although he has experienced a lot, I still believe that he will succeed some day.5. I hold my opinion about the realness of your saying.6. She is not so tall but she is thin, which gives others an illusion that she is tall.希望这些对你有帮助。...


tall [tC:l] adj. 高的, 长的, 夸大的 adv. 夸大地 tall tall AHD:[tôl] D.J.[t%8l] K.K.[t%l] adj.(形容词) tall.er, tall.est Having greater than ordinary height: 高的:具有超出一般高度的: a tall woman. 一个高个女人 Having considerable height, especially in relation to width; lofty: 高的:具有相当高度的,尤指就宽度相对而言;高耸的: tall trees.See Synonyms at high 高大的树木参见 high Having a specified height: 具有某一特定高度的: a plant three feet tall. 一株三英尺高的植物 Informal Fanciful or exaggerated; boastful: 【非正式用语】 幻想性的或夸张的;吹牛的: tall tales of heroic exploits. 关于英雄事迹的荒诞不经的故事 Impressively great or difficult: 十分巨大或困难的: a tall order to fill. 一项难以完成的命令 Archaic Excellent; fine. 【古语】 优秀的;精美的 adv.(副词) With proud bearing; straight: 带着骄傲神态的;挺直的: stand tall. 站得笔直


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