

11月11日 编辑 39baobao.com

[钻研教材与课堂呈现——《七颗钻石》试教反思]一、教材简说:《七颗钻石》是俄国作家列夫 托尔斯泰的一篇童话,描述了地球上发生了一次大旱灾,许多人和动物都焦渴而死,一个小姑娘抱着水罐出门为生病的母亲找水,爱心使水罐一次...+阅读

Every woman dreams of receiving a huge, sparkling and priceless diamond. Now scientists he discovered the largest diamond in the universe.

But it's well beyond the reach of the most lovestruck men - 50 light years to be precise. Space scientists revealed that they had discovered a ten billion trillion trillion carat gem. Measuring 2,500 miles across and weighing five million trillion trillion pounds, the rock was found on Valentine's Day buried in the core of a white dwarf star in the constellation Centaurus.

"It's the mother of all diamonds," said Tris Metcalfe, who led the team of researchers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics in America.

"You would need a jeweller's loupe the size of the Sun to grade this diamond." Named Lucy

, after the Beatles' song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, the rock has sent a ripple of excitement through the scientific world.

The largest diamond found on earth was the 3,106-carat Cullinan. It was cut into nine major stones, including the 530-carat Star of Africa, now a part of the Crown Jewels. Diamonds were first discovered in India more than 2,800 years ago. The Ancient Romans believed that the stones were splinters of stars that had tumbled to earth.

In Ancient Egypt, diamonds were symbols of eternity and were used in funeral rites. In the Middle Ages, men wore them to symbolise their courage and virility. The tradition of giving them as love tokens dates from 1477, when Archduke Maximilian of Austria ge a diamond ring to Mary of Burgundy.


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